Many people may not be aware of all of the benefits provided for our Veterans. I'll admit, as a Veteran myself, I don't know either. A new update was recently posted regarding healthcare, so I thought as we recently observed Memorial Day I would share this important update with you. The Depar...
If you are considering drawing any money from your Roth IRA to buy your first home, will you have to pay it back before retirement? If you said NO.... you would be CORRECT That's right, "Nothing has to be repaid" (my caveat here is "as of this writing"). But yes, All your contributions can com...
Not to long ago, I was contacted and asked to sell a single family residence. The gentleman has recently lost his partner of many years, and was ready to sell the house and move on. Unfortunately, when I got the details of the property and owners or should I say owner. I found that the person ...
Is The title insurance you're required to buy in order to get your loan for your own protection? TRUE OR FALSE?If you answered TRUE you are......... INCORRECT!You're required to pay for the lender's title insurance at settlement, but it's not for your benefit. It only shields the lender in case ...
Which one are you? AND Which one carries the most weight? But more importantly do you know the difference? Being Prequalified is an estimate of what the lender thinks you c...
When preparing to buy a home, credit plays an important role. Not just for homebuyers, let's see how many brave Realtors will admit to not knowing the answer. Test your Brain before you cheat and see the answer below:a) A credit score from a fourth credit bureau, Beaconb) Another name for your ...
Be in the know before the June 15 changes go into effect. Important things the on the fence or dragging their feet buyers need to be aware of.For FHA case numbers assigned on or after June 15, 2015, there will be significant changes to current guidelines, which will impact the typical FHA borrow...
Would having two separate bathrooms save your relationship? Oh how many times do you wish he would just go use another bathroom and stay out of yours? LOL well help may be in your future. Dual master bathrooms are trending, according to the National Association of Home Builders. It’s not just ...
The roof of your home serves one major purpose, and that is to be a barrier against the weather outside. Roof Flashing is the sheet metal or other durable material that protects roof joints from penetration from the elements outdoors. The most difficult weather element to control is water, and r...
If there is a deep freeze warning for your area tonight and the next few days and nights as it is in many areas across the Nation, you may be at risk for some major monetary expenditures if you don't do this one simple thing. Last year, we had a freeze that caused many homes to have pipes that bu...