Karen Burket's "Active" Mortgage Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Bank of Oregon a division of Willamette Valley Bank
Reminder that the National Emergency Test Broadcast will be aired in just a few minutes.  Don't call 911.  This is ONLY A TEST! 
North Medford High School will be the stage for this year's Rogue Valley Dancing With the Stars competition.  Twelve local celebrities and personalities will be competing this year.  All the proceeds earned this year will be donated to the Southern Oregon Sparrow Club.   This year's event will be...
For several years, a man was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant..Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage. He paid her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to raise the ...
As someone who is currently in the midst of adopting a few rescue dogs, it pains me to think of so many dogs out there in need of a home.  I wanted to re-post this in hope that anyone out there can help these two beautiful animals who are in need of some desperate help.  Please help if you can!  ...
A driver is stuck in a traffic jam on the highway. Nothing is moving.Suddenly, a man knocks on the window. The driver rolls down the window and asks, "What's going on?" "Terrorists have kidnapped Congress, and are asking for a $10 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all...
Well, since getting back from vacation a few weeks ago, I still have to do a big grocery shopping to start replenishing the fridge.  I got home from work yesterday and it was one of those "what the heck am I going to make for dinner?" moments.  I started rummaging through the freezer to see what ...
Borrowers, you may think that those bank statements aren't necessary...but wait, there's more! I do empathize with clients who remain hesitant to provide a lot of personal paperwork when they are seeking mortgage financing.  But I have to remind folks that they are asking a lending institution to...
Buttercloud Bakery is open in Medford, Oregon!   I drive by Buttercloud Bakery on Genessee street here in Medford everyday on my way to and from work.   The building itself has been undergoing some remodeling over the past few months as it's being transformed from the previous occupying bakery, G...
I don't know about you, but I find this whole Kardashian storyline absolutely sickening.  Millions of dollars were spent on a wedding that was flaunted in front of the public where less than three months after, divorce proceedings are being initiated. What must the average hard working (or the un...
This is important information and an EXCELLENT post by Barbara.  Please share this information with everyone you know.  If you would like to comment, please post directly to Barbara's post. Thank you Barbara for this!   In case you have not seen this, it is worth reading. Hole Under Door LockWedn...

Karen Burket

Valley Mortgage Grou, Conventional, FHA, VA, mortgages
local_phone(541) 842-5605
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You can find great local Medford, OR real estate information on Localism.com Karen Burket-Bank of Oregon Home Loans Conventional, FHA, VA, mortgages is a proud member of the ActiveRain Real Estate Network, a free online community to help real estate professionals grow their business.