Karen Burket's "Active" Mortgage Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Bank of Oregon a division of Willamette Valley Bank
I'm sold on buffalo meat! About a year or so ago, hubby brought home a pound of ground buffalo, insisting we make burgers with it.  I'll admit, I really turned my nose up at it but as I recall, at the time I thought "huh...not bad!"   Generally, when we make burgers, we do the turkey variety as t...
I received a great lead this morning from a Realtor that I'm trying to establish a referral relationship with.  I'm informed that Bob, (for this discussion we'll call the borrower "Bob") needs information on a construction loan, as his current lender is pulling their approval.  While construction...
Daily Rate Blast - Medford Oregon Mortgage Interest Rates - July 19, 2011   This morning’s Conventional FIXED and ARM rate quotes are:                             30 Year                                                 4.625%   (4.870% APR)                                                15 Year  ...
  I recently wrote a post entitled "Did I Commit Fraud on my Mortgage Application".  Below, Ed Gillespie gives some great added information on what types of fraudulent information FannieMae is seeing.  Thanks for this great added information, Ed!    I'm guessing that nearly everyone has some elem...
Save a tree...do you really need all that paperwork? Seems that of late, I've run into a number of potential borrowers asking this, a lot! How many times have I been asked "why do you need all pages of the tax returns. Won't the first two pages be enough?  It has everything you need!"   OR   "Tha...
With all the latest Harry Potter Hype, I couldn't resist sharing this.  This is hilarious!  I'm a big Triple D fan and a regular watcher of Food Netwook.  This is a great spoof show casing "Guy" at Hogwarts. 
  So, who of you out there have been peeved with the way your dishes are coming out of the dishwasher? Ever since phosphates were banned from dishwashing detergent, my glassware and stainless have been looking like absolute crap!  I'm all for saving our fishies and everything but boy, was I tempt...
Daily Rate Blast - Medford Oregon Mortgage Interest Rates - July 18, 2011   This morning’s Conventional FIXED and ARM rate quotes are:                             30 Year                                                 4.625%   (4.870% APR)                                                15 Year  ...
I saw this funny Facebook status on a friends page.  Evidently someone tweeted it and it's been going around.  Thought it too cute not to share for a Friday Funny.      "When the space shuttle gets back from its last mission, it would be hilarious if we were all dressed as apes."     Everyone enj...
Daily rate Blast - Medford Oregon Mortgage Interest Rates - July 15, 2011   This morning’s Conventional FIXED and ARM rate quotes are:                             30 Year                                                 4.625%   (4.870% APR)                                                15 Year  ...

Karen Burket

Valley Mortgage Grou, Conventional, FHA, VA, mortgages
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smartphone(541) 890-3262
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