Fruits and Nuts Planting season continues for dormant trees. Fertilize fruit trees. Apply half of the fertilizer recommended for grapes now; apply the other half soon after fruit sets. Continue dormant pruning and grafting. Start strawberry plantings. Shrubs Planting season continues. Visit camel...
This is Part 4 of the series - The Science Behind 22 True Weather Proverbs. Part 3 was published on August 1, 2018. 18. The Ash Before The Oak...Choke, Choke, Choke. The Oak Before The Ash...Splash, Splash, SplashThis proverb is more of a long-range predictor than the others in this list. The “a...
This is Part 3 of the series - The Science Behind 22 True Weather Proverbs. Part 2 was published on July 25, 2018. 12. When The Ass Begins To Bray, Surely Rain WIll Come That DayAdvancing rain and storm systems are often first indicated by falling air pressure. Low pressure has been shown to ma...
This is Part 2 of the series - The Science Behind 22 True Weather Proverbs. Part 1 was published on July 18, 2018. 7. Frogs Croaking In The Lagoon, Means Rain Will Come Real SoonAs cold-blooded amphibians, frogs require moist skin and relatively high temperatures to be active. This means that th...
Fruits and Nuts Set out apples, peaches, pears and grapes. Start grafting pecans. Prune dromant trees. Shrubs Plant shrubs and trees, including broadleaf, narrowleaf and deciduous. Graft camellias in south Alabama. Spray all deciduous shrubbery with a dormant spray to control diseases and insects...
Newly popular, luxury vinyl tile (LVT) is often installed in a system that hooks, snaps, or locks together, or a self-adhesive system that is glued directly to the subfloor. LVT makes a beautiful floor, but as with any flooring choice it has its advantages and disadvantages that you must consider...
If you are moving houses, you will want to make a great impression on potential buyers. This is why most people spend weeks cleaning out all the nooks and crannies, sweeping away spider webs, buying cushions and plants to add a welcoming touch, and making sure their pets stay off the furniture. ...
We get a lot of calls from people who are comfortable in some rooms of their house but not others.You don't have to freeze or burn up in one room so that you can be comfortable in another.This is a fixable problem and there's a science to it.That science is important and you want to have an HVAC ...
Fruits and Nuts Plant young pecan and other deciduous fruit trees and grapes. Select budwood. Start dormant pruning of established fruits. Protect all young trees from rabbit damage by placing wire around the base of the tree. Put on dormant oil sprays for scale. ShrubsPlanting is still the main ...
Fruits and vegetables ALWAYS taste better when they are fresh and when they are in season. Knowing when to buy produce not only ensures great taste, but also saves you money. This is due to the basic law of supply and demand. When crops are in season and there is an abundance of produce, the c...