Charleston Door Knockers - Part II - Old, Unusual, Anitque Door Knockers - Video Immediately after publishing the first video of "Door knockers in Charleston", I realized that I was'nt finished with the subject. More door knockers were spotted on my very next trip downtown Charleston. These doo
Charleston Real Estate Market Update - Year End Comparison 2010 Real Estate Market Report - Charleston County - Single Family Joye Ridgeway 843-270-8665 DECEMBER COMPARISON YEAR TO DATE COMPARISON 2009 2010 Change 2009 2010 Change New Listing
Oh When the Saints Go Marching Home - the Citadel Parade, Charleston, SC Oh When the Saints Go Marching Home was the number played by The Citadel Regimental Marching Band as they exited the field at Friday's Awards Parade. Video of National Anthem - Star Spangled Banner from The Citadel Awards P
National Anthem from the Citadel, Charleston, SC - Star Spangled Banner It's alway good to hear our national anthem, no matter what time of special occasion required at the Citadel in Charleston, SC. The Citadel parades are held on Fridays during the school year and are open to the pub
Real Estate Market Report - Charleston, SC - 2010 year in review - video 2010 as been described as a year of transistion, while many market across the country hit bottom. For the Charleston metro area, sales volume were up, as well as prices were up. We are hopeful for continued improvement in
Recycle containers in Charleston, SC - coming soon ? The truck was spotted.....calls were placed....and here's the scoop: Yes, some lucky residents are getting new recycle containers. The recycle containers are BIG, have WHEELS, and even come with attached lids to cover the recycle items !! T
A mural in Charleston, SC - The Holy City How fitting to find a mural in Charleston that is representative of Charleston's best qualities. Charleston is known as The Holy City, and also known for hosting the world renown Spoleto Art Festival. This mural represents both: The Holy City and ART
Charleston Door Knockers - The old, unusual, and unique - video Don't ask me why I'm writing a post on door knockers downtown Charleston, afterall, I sell real estate, not door knockers. As I enter the historic homes of downtown Charleston, I always notice the door knocker. This video displays
Alessi - Tampa's best bakery since 1912 Of course, that's MY OPINION, that Alessi is Tampa's best bakery since 1912. It is a tradition of a lifetime for my almost-sixty-year old husband ! Alessi is always a stopping point whenever visiting Tampa. The tradition began for me in the late 1970's.
What will $279,900 buy in Charleston, SC ? You will be suprised on how much real estate you can get for your money in Charleston these days ! With interest rates at all time low and with lots of inventory on the market, now is a perfect time to purchase real estate in Charleston, SC. Here we hav