Jon's Real Estate ramblings

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Daytona Condo Realty, 386-405-4408
Living in Daytona Beach area is more relaxed and easier than in more humid Miami, and it is also the most affordable living by the Ocean.
Hurricane Irma hit Daytona Beach September 9, 2017. We left the city. After the Hurricane I received the call from the condo Association Board Member that the roof over Kingston Shores condo, the investment condo in Ormond Beach, was completely gone and you could see the sky.It was a beautiful cl...
We get used to good warm weather, and cold spells are not pleasant. But we are equipped to survive thsese spells. Even though we had a problem switching from AC to heat for couple of days, as the systemn has always been used for cooling, not heating...However, cold spells also affect animals.I re...
Daytona Beach Shores Condo Market It is the end of the year, and it is time to look at statistical data related to Daytona Beach Shores Condo Market. Do not confuse with Daytona Beach condo market. These are two neighboring cities, but they are separate municipalities. Click here to read the Sum...
It is the end of the year, and it is time to look at statistical data related to Ormond Beach Condo Market. For this statistical report, we combined Ormond Beach and unincorporated Ormond-by-the-Sea.Click here to read the Summary about the status and the trends of condominium market in Daytona Be...
This is the end of 2017, and it is time to look at the market in general and in specific areas. This statistical data is related to South Daytona Condo Market. To familiarize yourself with South Daytona, follow this link.Click here to read the Summary about the status and the trends of condominiu...
This is the end of 2017, and it is time to look at the market in general and in specific areas. This statistical data is related to Holly Hill Condo Market. To familiarize yourself with Holly Hill, follow this link.Click here to read the Summary about the status and the trends of condominium mark...
Last couple of hours before the end of 2017, and it is time to look at the market in general and in specific areas. This statistical data is related to Ponce Inlet Condo Market. To familiarize yourself with Ponce Inlet, follow this link.Click here to read the Summary about the status and the tren...
I am reading the article at and this sentence stuns me "she wanted to build a community epicenter.” I run into this type of use of the word epicenter all the time. It strikes me as very wrong, but Meriam-Webster actually shows two definitions of epicenter, and center being one of them...
It is the end of the year, and it is time to look at statistical data related to Daytona Beach Condo Market. Click here to read the Summary about the status and the trends of condominium market in the area.This is glimpse on the condo Daytona Beach Condo Market. Not greater Daytona, just Daytona ...
Owners selling their property without hiring agents are called FSBOs (For Sale By Owner).  Try asking these Sellers what they do for living, and then tell them that you, probably, could easily do it. They would smile at you. They would tell you that it is very unlikely that you would be able to d...

Jon Zolsky, Daytona Beach, FL

Buy Daytona condos for heavenly good prices
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