My brother shared this verse, Psalms 71:18 with me when we talked a couple of weeks ago. As I get older I grow more concerned about the legacy I will leave behind. I want to have done all I can to make a difference with whom I love, even to those I may touch only briefly. I found a marvelous reso
his is incredible! By W.J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times February 17, 2011 Backed by the Pentagon's research arm, Monrovia firm AeroVironment has developed the Nano Hummingbird, an experimental miniature drone that could one day do reconnaissance by landing on a window ledge. A pocket-size dro
The present administration will stop at NOTHING to rob us of our privacy and freedoms. We must expose this wherever we find it and stop it. Sean Kerrigan posted this article on The US government is offering private intelligence companies contracts to create software to manage "fake
My friend and leader of the Precinct Project had this to say following our TEA Party victory on January 22nd. I was there and felt a great deal of satisfaction that I helped organize the delegates to support the TEA Party Candidate for Chairman, Tom Morrissey. Want to motivate the wimpy Republica
Is the Republican Party in your local area listening to input from the Grassroots? What if We the INFORMED People were to gather our power and influence in such a way that those at the top in the party would have to listen to us? All across the state of Arizona, TEA Parties worked to get conserva
John: Dan Schultz is Mr. PC, "Cold Warrior" on various blogs. Dan is an ex-military intelligence officer so he Knows how to persuade any audience! You need to see Dan in action. Dan Schultz, aka Cold Warrior, has made three videos that explain the strategy for winning primaries for conservative
John: Dan Schultz is Mr. PC, "Cold Warrior" on various blogs. Dan is an ex-military intelligence officer so he Knows how to persuade any audience! You need to see Dan in action. Dan Schultz, aka Cold Warrior, has made three videos that explain the strategy for winning primaries for conservative c
John: Dan Schultz is Mr. PC, "Cold Warrior" on various blogs. Dan is an ex-military intelligence officer so he Knows how to persuade any audience! You need to see Dan in action. Dan Schultz, aka Cold Warrior, has made three videos that explain the strategy for winning primaries for conservative c
This project is proposed by Foresignt Wind Energy, LLC has applied for a 50-year easement over Arizona State Land northwest of Seligman.The purpose of feasibility studies and potential development and construction of a wind energy generating facility (referred to at the Boquillas Project). More s
Wind farms do not perform as we have been led to believe. Check out this scholarly article, a portion of which is quoted here. Wind farms require expensive subsidies to be built; because nature controls their output, wind farms require expensive back-up (duplication); since they generally are in