John's Seacoast NH Blog

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Real Estate Agent
If you are looking to buy or sell your home or real estate in the Seacoast NH towns of Hampton, Seabrook, Rye, New Castle, Greenland, Stratham, Exeter, Kingston, Kensington, Newmarket, Newfields or North Hampton, John McCarthy is your trusted Seacoast NH REALTOR. The real estate experience is all about you!
Annie's Angels Flatbread Pizza Fundraiser...Tuesday August 16th In Portsmouth NHFlatbread Company is once again sponsoring the fourth annual Annie's Angels Flatbread Pizza Fundraiser from 4pm to 9pm on Tuesday August 16th at their 138 Congress Street, Portsmouth, NH location. For each large pizza...
Wordless Wednesday...When The Tide Goes Out... If you would like to know why I chose Seacoast New Hampshire to make my home, click here to email me, and I can make a real convincing argument for you to choose it too! Or, if you would like to do your own home search, sign up NOW on my website for ...
Wordless Wednesday...Wayward WildlifeWhen you leave your doors open, you just never know who might drop in. Coincidence? I think not... This little guy was sure the bag of birdseed behind him was "Self-Serve." This female cardinal tried out a number of perches in our garage, but wasn't happy with...
Yankee Ultralight Flyers...Sanderson's Field Fly-In, Greenland NH July 8-16, 2011For 20 years, ultralight and general aviation enthusiasts have been coming to Ted Sanderson's private 2,500' grass runway on Post Road in Greenland, NH in July for a week long fly-in, something resembling a cross bet...
Add Some Color To Your Yard...These Plants Are Butterfly MagnetsThe top three plants for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard are Buddleias (Butterfly Bush), Echinacea (Coneflower) and Monarda (Bee Balm). Butterfly Bush Coneflower Bee Balm "Picnik Show" Create a free slideshow wit...
Wordless Wednesday...On Wobbly LegsOver this past weekend, we spotted this little spotted fawn crossing the road. It was around noon and mom was nowhere in sight. Sure hope he makes it where he is going. If you would like to know why I chose Seacoast New Hampshire to make my home, click here to e...
Alright, I really was just kidding, but I am trying to find some humor in this precipitation that has come back around after four consecutive days of good weather. Almost began to seem like a normal Spring/Summer for a bit. Now that the rain is back, I guess I'm feeling like these guys. This phot...
Have You Seen Clouds Like These?Last night my Chris and I went out to buy lottery tickets, our twice weekly contribution to our retirement fund Ha ha. When we were backing out of the local Irving station, Chris noticed some beautiful color in the clouds to our East, and suggested we go a little N...
Wordless Wednesday...Acadia National Park Mount Desert Island MaineAcadia National Park, located on Mount Desert Island (MDI) in Maine, is a 35,000 acre National treasure consisting of mountains, lakes, ocean and forest. If you have not had the chance to visit, I strongly urge you to make it a va...
The Bridges of Acadia National Park...Mount Desert Island, MaineAcadia National Park, located principally on Mount Desert Island (MDI) in Maine, is a 35,000 acre national treasure consisting of mountains, lakes, ocean and forest. If you have not had the chance to visit, I strongly urge you to mak...