The much anticipated day has finally arrived when the Fed made the decision to cut the federal-funds target rate by 50 basis points as well as the discount rate by 50 basis points. The move was a bit stronger then expected. What has led to this? Why has this been somewhat expected and deemed n...
An exact reversal of action is taking place now in this post-boom housing market. Large companies began acquiring many mortgage lenders and increasing employees when times had been good. And why not? Times were good and the mortgage industry was brining in lots of money. But times have chang...
Countrywide is in serious trouble! As the largest U.S. mortgage lender by volume, their problem is your problem. You may ask yourself how Countrywide’s problems may impact you, and why are they in trouble? By now everyone should be aware of the mortgage problems that have escalated recently. ...
As homes in the Philadelphia area are staying on the market longer, many sellers are turning to rent-to-own agreements. An article in the Philadelphia Inquirer titled Market forces change, by Joanne Cleaver, takes a look at a couple who spent $100,000 in remodeling their home, only to be forced...
Last Thursday the mortgage lending industry was hit with a shockingly abrupt rate increase due to a Wall Street “risk-adjustment.” This risk adjustment translated into across the board rate increases, particularly on non-conforming and non-A paper loans. What is this risk-adjustment...
As an up and coming mortgage planner who will be relocating to the Villanova/Philadelphia area in late August, I felt that I should introduce myself to the blogging world. This realm of networking has been exposed to me through one of the greatest bloggers around, the one and only Brian ...