Jerri McCombs, Broker's (jmccombs) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Dogwood Real Estate Services
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Over the weekend I ran across a new find- Our Southern Community located 797 Locust Street just north of Historic Downtown Hendersonville. It was not open so I had to return on Wednesday. What a find. They have a Bookstore, as well as a Resource Center. They are offering all kinds of great class...
Spring in the Mountains! Spring has been going strong for weeks now and summer will be here in no time. We have seen many 80 degree days already, making me wonder if this summer will be unusually hot. BUt being the optimist I am, I want to believe that it will be as beautiful here as ever. Here a...
My Name Is Jerri and I am an Addict. I need help and I need it fast. I am HOOKED on the Decorah Eagles and I can't stop. There are three baby eagles in that nest and both the mom and dad are there off and on feeding those little cuties. Don't tell me you haven't seen these. I mean really, I can't...
  The Gold Finches have arrived in Western North Carolina! When I lived in Iowa that meant that gardening was just around the corner. Now that I am in Western North Carolina it makes me want to get to it in the garden. I planted some lettuce already and it has come up looking healthy. Now I need...
OK, I know I am gettiing kind of addiicted to these Eagles in Decorah Iowa, (this link shows you the first two hatchings) but now that the babies are out I just can't help it. It is a fascinating and rare look at this countries National Bird. The Live Web Cam is running 24/7 so that you can watch...
If you haven't seen the live webcam of an eagles nest in Decorah Iowa you are really missing out. The camera has been streaming for over a month as a mother and father eagle take turns sitting on three eggs. Fiday night one of the eaglets left the egg. Another one hated last night. The third and ...
Do you live in a happy City? A recent Gallop poll, conducted over the 2010 year, surveyed over 350,000 people to come up with the top 10 happiest cities, and the top 10 sadest cities. You would be surprised to read the results, on some cities, and say, oh... yes, on others. Here is the full artic...
For the last week and a half, I have had a friend visiting me from Iowa, where I lived for 21 years. His trip out here has really opened my eyes as to just how blinded I have become after seven years of living in the mountains of Western North Carolina. I moved here to be in the great outdoors, t...
  Are you interested in what is happening in the City of Hendersonville, or the County of Henderson, NC? If so, below is a chart of meeting times and places, as well as websites for keeping track of what is happening in the local political scene.   You can track when and where City and County Co...
An Experiment in Above Ground Gardening I had a few barrels on hand that I had no use for, and a friend suggested that I try cutting them in half for waist level gardening. I thought what the heck, I have nothing to lose. He cut them for me, and then last Sunday I built stands for them. I will se...

Jerri McCombs, Broker/Owner

Hendersonville Living
smartphone(828) 553-5190
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Join me as I move from being a Realtor to being a Virtual Assistant for Businesses all over the country.