Jazz's Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Real Living LifeStyles Realty
Are you the type of person that looks at the letter 'O' being the last letter in the word ZERO or the first letter in the word OPPORTUNITY? Most people miss opportunities because they are focused too much on the lack instead of focusing on what is to be. Our company is on the verge of a TREMENDOU...
When the going gets tough, smile. And know that you have what it takes to make it through. When stress and tension and confusion surround you, relax. Select a specific challenge, deal with it, and then move calmly and confidently to the next. If you're being pulled in every direction by forces b...
"There is a big difference between living and just breathing.  Choose to live, not just exist.  Use your gifts and your days wisely, deliberately.  You were put here for a purpose."    By: Paul C. Brownlow taken from a little book called A Blessing For Today    Have you ever noticed that the best...
"...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God...
Today we have a fabulous opportunity to receive training on our agent business center from Caroline Shroyer, our Vice President of Professional Development and Recruiting! I am actually in the middle of the training right now. I am just so excited about this opportunity and all about the tremendo...
Time is limited so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right and string my days together into a LIFE OF ACTION AND PURPOSE.  --By Lance Armstrong
We live in a world that reminds us of everything we don't have. We are continually reminded of our hurts and pains, our failures, but seldom are we reminded of our victories. Live your day VICTORIOUSLY and focus on all that is good. Draw your intentions to those things you desire to have in your ...
Even though Even though your morning may not have been productive, there is still much you can accomplish in the afternoon. Even though you've suffered some setbacks, there are still plenty of options for moving forward. Even though you may disagree with what someone has to say, you can benefit g...
So I stayed up late last night (well late for me) to watch one of my favorite hockey teams, The Detroit Red Wings, win the luminous Stanley Cup. It went into triple overtime...TRIPLE OVERTIME!! They were one shot away from winning it all. Then the Penguins made the goal....another game to go and ...
  WHO IS YOUR CLIENT? My definition is this ... Your client is someone that you have taken time to work with them on assessing their needs and establishing a relationship with. In other words, you are following up every few weeks; you are responding immediately and giving her the kind of service...

Jazz Lough

local_phone(512) 329-2717
smartphone(214) 995-0139
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