In researching in/out migration into Idaho, I found some very interesting statistics.Many people and agents are typically stating there is no inventory nationwide, people aren't moving during a pandemic. THEY ARE WRONG!Did you know that according to this article,
I have watched countless hours of pre-recorded content since the pandemic and found an amazing plug-in that takes some of the edge off these Zoom sessions, YouTube videos, etc.How many times have you signed up for an online webinar only to find out that it was previously recorded and not interact
Lot's has been written over the years about the accuracy of their Zestimates. I am a Realtor in Boise, Idaho and there values in our market are not accurate at all. But don't take my word for it, here is exactly what Zillow says about their accuracy in Boise, Idaho.(redacted my own screenshot o
As a Realtor in Boise, Idaho; I get this question a lot. They are accurate in a lot of ways but not in data or values in Idaho since we are a non-disclosure state. They can not be expected to be accurate if they don't get accurate data to start with.Here is what they have for my home:I pulled up
How would you like to get more bang for your bucks? Here is a quick and easy way to do just that with money you are already spending and helping out local organizations and charities at the same time.I love trying to find a bargain and enjoy online auctions. They are great fund raisers for loca
This blog is not meant to be a political statement one way or another, but it will show the impacts of bias and gentrification in the United States today.I will start with the impacts of "confirmation bias". Confirmation bias is a term used in psychology which essentially states that your mind h
I was pleasantly shocked when I looked at the analytics of my Facebook Business page to see the results I have had this year already!Compared to many Social Media masters, my numbers look pale in comparison, but I am amazed that I was able to reach 1,339 people in a week with no paid advertising
This year, I had the pleasure and priveledge of hosting Virtual Santa sessions via Zoom. I think I enjoyed it as much as the kids did!I couldn't accomodate everyone, so if you know of someone that has on their Christmas Wish list to find the right home, vacation home or investment property in Id
This year has been hard on everyone but probably even harder for children. Therefore, my company, Progressive Realty Corporation, is hosting a FREE Virtual Santa Session via Zoom through December 21, 2020. I have a calendar set up on Calendly that let's you select the time slots that are still a
To say this has been an interesting year would be a MASSIVE understatement. I could dwell on plenty of negatives this year, but I choose to be grateful!I am grateful for: My family. I am blessed with a great family, 3 wonderful sons each with a beautiful bride. They have blessed me with three