Can you believe the first quarter of 2008 is over? Boy, that one flew by. With the end of the quarter it is a great time to look and analyze your 2008 goals. Goals are great and they are even better when we go back and look at them. How are you money goals? Is 2008 shaping up to be bet...
Cady Construction Company, Inc. has been a standard of quality and excellence in the Raleigh-Durham area for over 35 years and the home they are building in Bennett Park shows everyone why.For more information please visit: www.cadyconstruction.comThis lovely single family home is in one of the h...
Benchmark Homes has been one of the area's premiere builders for many years and the home they built in Porto Fino shows why: For more information on the team at Benchmark visit: Or feel free to visit: Here are a couple of views to wet your appetite t...
Cady Construction has out did themselves on the beautiful home. Check out what else they have done at home is stunning: This price of this lovely 3 level home is only $549,900. This kitchen would make Rachael Ray happy: When you drive into Porto Fino, the street s...
We are really fortunate to have people who are genuinely generous. One such person is Eleanor T. She gave me something incredibly precious: her time. She shared with me some "techie" stuff that really helps with blogging and my business.So I just wanted to say: So here are a couple of business ap...
This could be your new home. Lovely custom home in Wake Forest's estate community, Porto Fino. Quality construction built by one of the area's finest builders, Cady Construction Company, Inc. Check this one out at Or call Ryan at 919.554.4800 Or look at this kitchen: ...
It is official! The Major League Baseball season has started. Congrats to the World Champion Boston Red Sox who opened the season with a dramatic come from behind extra innings win in Japan. It is definitely Spring when baseball is here. Although it is a bit "unseasonal" to start the year in Japa...
According to Standard and Poor's/Case-Shiller Report prices on real estate fell a whopping 11.4 % in January. For a $400,000 home that is approximately $45,000 loss in value. This continues a nearly two year period of pressure on U.S. home prices. This news sounds horrible. But there is a silver ...
It may seem sacrilegious to make this point,but hand written notes are better than blogging, better than e-mail, better than texting, better than "sent from blackberry", even better than "IMing". I may be considered old fashioned, even out of touch, but I think I am "WRITE" (pun intended) about t...
Many people think it is best to have their "own" sales force or individual salesperson, but the truth is that many communities will do better with several builders and ONE sales team. The key to making this work is building a team mentality. That team involves the developer, the builders, the sal...