Hi ! Happy Weekend ! To find out whats happening in the area you can check on the following websites: www.macc.org Midland Area Chamber of Commerce www.chippewanaturecenter.org Chippewa Nature Center www.mcfta.org Midland Center for the Arts www.midlandtennis.com Midland Community Tennis Cente
Just listed 4917 Artcrest, Midland, Michigan, 3 Bedroom, 3.5 baths, 1800 Sq. Ft., Near Northwood University Zero Lot Line Townhouse Duplex.
Good Morning Midland, Michigan ! The housing market has begun for the New Year. Some interesting stats I came across the other day follow. The 90 day + deliquency rates for the following counties: Midland 2.89% Saginaw 3.81% Isabella 2.11% Bay 2.98% Gladwin 3.76 Its a great time to buy a new