For most, homeowners associations (HOA), are fees which are attached to structures like condos or townhomes. However, this isn't always the case. In the 1980s, developers began construction of these developments, in the form of single family homes. HOA fees, rules, and regulations were also ...
Top 4 Reasons to Offer Seller Financing There is probably a list of reasons one could come up with as to why a seller should offer seller financing. However ,we will just look at four here. ü Sell difficult properties - Many times the property is not a financeable piece of property. Could be...
Choosing A Title Insurance Company - Protecting your Real Estate Investment Buying a home is something that you need to think very carefully about. For most people, a house purchase will be the most expensive thing they will ever buy. The housing market is booming at the moment. If you are buyi...
Property Sellers Biggest Mistakes At around this time of the year, you can see home prices start going up and sellers start dreaming of quick business worth fortunes. It does not work out quite that way, as this belief is in itself a big booboo. Do not be guilty of the same. It is not wise to ov...
Seller Financing - Looking out for Number 1 - YOU the seller! Even though seller financing can be a great option for most sellers, it is very important to take steps to alleviate any risks. When seller financing is used the buyer (borrower) holds title to the property just like if they borrowed ...
Covered or Not Covered - Title Insurance When a real estate purchase is made, the buyer is actually purchasing the title to the property. The title gives the buyer the right to occupy said property and space. In some instances, the title may be contested, which can mean someone else claims they ...
3 Ways that could Potentially Ruin Your Open House Open house’s work well in helping to sell one’s property and it can easily as well ruin the chances of the same. There are many secrets to a successful open house, however we will lay out some pitfalls that can be avoided. · Sellers Hanging ...
Discovering your Starter Dream Home Since the housing meltdown of 2006-2008 and the subsequently slow improving economy has caused many to begin looking for a point to starting over. Many have learned that their actual dream home could actually be picking up someone else’s starter home. Howeve...
Responsibility of a Fort Myers Title Company Buying and selling real estate certainly isn’t a meek proposal; innumerable factors must be considered, extensive research must be completed, legal and financial matters need to be handled proficiently, as well as infinite paperwork that must be fil...
Owner’s Title insurance protects buyers who risk losing their money and property due to problems with the title of a real estate purchase. An owner’s title insurance policy covers the amount of the real estate sales price, only requires a one-time fee at closing, and stays in effect until the bu...