There seems to be a lot of talk about taking away the Mortgage Interest Deduction as a tax break. Common sense thinking would have most angered at this proposal. Anyone know the history of Hamburger Hill? In comparison, from the outside looking in, one would think that Hamburger Hill was a was
I am taking Jennifer Prestwich's challenge of doing 31 one things in 31 days. Are you up for a Challenge? 31 Days of December Challenge What do you have to do? Do 1 thing per day that would further your business. This might be a blog post, Facebook note, tweet, text, phone call or email. It
This will be specifically about FHA loans, but when it comes to mortgages in general, you really need to speak to a qualified loan officer. This is not to throw realtors or anyone else under the bus, but you should be very careful in where you get your answers. Even if that realtor or someon
For those that missed this post, Missy Caulk shared an important topic for us. This is actually for those that have business fan pages on Facebook. It's very easy to follow and I just tried it and it works. Someone just spammed my one fan page, Mortgage Myth Busters. Zap, I was able to delete
I am just tired from writing these follow up posts.... In any case, I am taking Jennifer Prestwich's challenge of doing 31 one things in 31 days. Are you up for a Challenge? 31 Days of December Challenge What do you have to do? Do 1 thing per day that would further your business. This might
Purchasing a home can sometimes be confusing and stressful, and some people in the mortgage/real estate industry will take advantage of consumers. Yes, sometimes there are problems and or issues that come up. But sometimes these problems were known ahead of time, yet never brought to anyones at
I am taking Jennifer Prestwich's challenge of doing 31 one things in 31 days. Are you up for a Challenge? 31 Days of December Challenge What do you have to do? Do 1 thing per day that would further your business. This might be a blog post, Facebook note, tweet, text, phone call or email. It
I am taking Jennifer Prestwich's challenge of doing 31 one things in 31 days. Are you up for a Challenge? 31 Days of December Challenge What do you have to do? Do 1 thing per day that would further your business. This might be a blog post, Facebook note, tweet, text, phone call or email. It c
Do you blog? Do you like to network? RainCamp in Philadelphia is a great place to do both. Yes, I am listening, but also blogging.. I call this multi-tasking. Here we have Bob Stewart and Ben Kinney talking about blogging tips, giving SEO tips, and so much more. Are these types of events good
After being on Active Rain for a tad over 4 years, I consider this place as a second family and a second home. There are a dozen or so that I have