Should you sell your investment property?If you own real estate in the Danbury,CT area that you rent out, and you feel it it time to move on, I am here to help you with your sale. Reasons to sell include:-You have moved out of the area so you can’t ‘keep an eye’ on the home.-Re-invest in a more p
What's the deal with condo pricing in Danbury,CT? Why do some condos sell for more money than others in the same condo project? In several complexes in the Danbury area, prices do vary quite considerably. What is the main reasons for this kind of discrepancy?-Style:Many complex offer a variet
The type of properties that I write about are condos and not apartments. There is no on-site sales office or someone that can show you properties right when you call. In some parts of the country, some very larger condo developments have their own on-site real estate office. That is not the way
If you currently own a home and are looking to make a move, sometimes trade-up or scale down buyers swing buy public open houses to explore what is currently on the market. Using some logic, it would make the most sense for buyers to explore what is out there for them to purchase. Buyers could g