Is It Ok to Shop Lenders to Get the Best Interest Rate? Often buyers wonder wheter it is disloyal to a lender or whether it will hurt their credit if they continue to shop interest rates by getting preapproved with more than one lender. To this I say, "To thine own self be true!" When you are...
Same Kitchen, almost same square footage, same subdivision, but renovated. One sold for $140,000 one is Under Contract and they were asking $318,000 and it probably got pretty close to that! This is the tale of two applicants, two homes, applying for the same job or buyer. Both are in the same...
My Home Didn't Sell, Who's Fault Is It? This home was very nice inside, but the powder Blue shutters and would have looked so modern and popped as black shutters. Also, the door for $1,000 could be a carriage style door and would look great! You don't even notice the new roof! At the end of a l...
Real Estate Market Fluctuation Is Now Your Friend Most home owners were aghast when housing values plummetted after the historic financial crash a few years back! Investors, however, capitalized and created great wealth, and now that home values have re-captured 40% of the peak values, investor...
I have always loved the Windgate subdivsion in Buford, Georgia! It's a great neighborhood with huge lots, filled with people who have lived in the neighborhood since it was built! It's very close to the nearly new Publix Shopping center where Spout Springs Rd Meets Friendship, and of course ...
Morgans Crossing Subdivision Home Values in Buford, GA Are Spiking! Currently there are NO homes listed for sale in Morgans Crossing Subdivision, which is a really good sign of neighborhood stability and desirability. There are no distressed sales, and not even a single sign saying, "Coming Soon...
Moving to Atlanta? Why Not Consider Buford! In moving to the Atlanta area, there are a lot of things to consider in selecting the right place to call home. There are so many more things to consider than just the four walls you will surround yourself with and what they will cost! Living is abou...