Don't let a shortage of down payment stop your dreams of owning a home!         Lovin' Life in the Lowcountry,   Janie     My mission statement:  To live each day to the fullest, with excitement, enthusiasm and a strong desire to build a successful and highly respected real estate business, earne...
   "There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in autumn." -Nathaniel Hawthorne My favorite time of the year----Fall.  Soon, we can sit back and enjoy the amazing colors of fall before the oncoming chore of rak...
        Lovin' Life in the Lowcountry,   Janie     My mission statement:  To live each day to the fullest, with excitement, enthusiasm and a strong desire to build a successful and highly respected real estate business, earned by developing relationships through consistent and predictably high wo...
Is there anything that says “FALL” more than Pumpkin Spice?  From lattes, to muffins, to pies, to candles and even hand sanitizers----You don’t even have to say it-----Just smelling the spicy combination of clove, ginger and cinnamon makes you immediately want to jump into your cozies, grab a bla...
Since Monday, I’ve been taking a class called "Ninja". Not Ninja in the physical sense, but Ninja in the mental sense. Among other things, it's about having a plan along with "eye of the tiger", laser focus, to get to where you want to be. It's about coming up with better systems and improving d...
Now is the time of the year when there are lots of get togethers---tailgates, pot lucks, baby showers etc.  Here is a fun way to serve salad using lettuce cups placed on a tray for individual salads that don’t require a salad bowl.  The salad is similar to the Chopped Salad at The Outback. Salad:...
I noticed on the calendar that this Sunday, September 7th is National Grandparents Day.  I started thinking that as a child in the 60’s and 70’s, I don’t remember ever having celebrated my Grandparents on one day in particular.  So to confirm I hadn’t missed something (or that my mother had forgo...
This past weekend, I, along with hundreds of thousands of others across the country, attended the first football game of the season.  As I sat and watched our team’s players interact with each other, both on the field as well as on the sidelines, something really jumped out at me:  Camaraderie.  ...
Ok, Folks!  The time has come----It's Football Time.......Everywhere!!!!! If you are joining the hundreds of thousands of football fans across the country that are setting up their first "Tailgates" of the year, here is a dish you can take that feeds a crowd!  Make it the day before the game, and...

Janie Pugh

Realtor, BS, CRS, GRI
local_phone(843) 410-9906
smartphone(478) 973-2684
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