CLARKSVILLE, TN HOME OF FT. CAMPBELL,KY 101ST AIRBORNNE WELCOME HOME Sgt. Matthew Castine, 24, kisses his son, Xavior, on Saturday morning after returning from a 15-month deployment to Iraq as his wife, Kala, looks on. Soldiers with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team remove their gear after returning to...
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Hey everyone! Have you ever wanted to know what makes some of the ActiveRain© staff tick?? I had a really nice talk with Rich Jacobson today on the phone after I read one of his comments in Update: Open Letter To Political Groups. His comment was so applicable to...
It's that time of year again and my neighbors are all starting to worry about the mice coming into their new homes since this time last year this subdivision was A FIELD. I did a little research and this is what I found. Very interesting stuff on a very uninteresting subject. The house mouse i...
I Love All Of My Sellers All Of The Time! Life in Real Estate is So Good! In order of importance to me: They are honest with me from the beginning about why they are selling their house They agree to the listing price I have suggested based on comps and not on their emotions They follow my advi...
This is hilarious, information for my clients who will be moving to the Ft. Hood area soon. If you are a first time buyer, getting ready to start looking for a home at Fort Hood, here's a quick peek into a real house hunt in the Fort Hood Real Estate Market: My latest USAA buyer already had a ta...
Great information for all of my friends and clients who will be moving to Ft. Hood soon. I hope you find this blog helpful. JanieHere are a few thoughts this afternoon about Fort Hood home builders. Some buyers think that buying a home from a nationally known home builder is the way to go. ...
Well, I need to buckle down and open my mind and my heart. Welcome new experiences. Meet new people. Not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else:Perfection does not exist in an imperfect world. I am responsible for my own happiness and contentmentand I will do things that make me joyful...
A very drunk man comes out of the bar and sees another very drunk man.He looks up in the sky and says, "Is that the sun or the moon?"The other drunk man answers, "I don't know. I'm a stranger here myself." These need to be written. Q: What do you call a pig with three eyes? A: A piiig. Q: What go...
A man was pulled over for driving too fast, even though he thought he was driving just fine.Officer: You were speeding.Man: No, I wasn't.Officer: Yes, you were. I'm giving you a ticket.Man: But I wasn't speeding.Officer: Tell that to the judge! (The officer gives man the ticket.)Man: Would I get ...
101st Airbornne Restaurant 1362 Murfreesboro Pike Visit 101st Airborne and you`ll discover a restaurant known for it's seafood and steaks. So many locals hang out there!. An average dinner will cost around $12 to $20, and you should dress casually and bring the kids. More Reasons to Go: The...