One afternoon my teenagers and I were on our way to the market. My youngest, Kate, began telling me that she was learning about Darwin in school and asked me if I could clarify Darwinism for her. My older daughter, Chloe, said that she had not studied Darwinism and piped in with questions about
Here is a July calendar of events for the Foothill area: 7-12-08 Montrose Art Walk 9am to 4pm on Honolulu Avenue 7-12-08 Lady Falcon Rummage Sale 7am to 2pm at CV High 7-19-08 Cruise Night 5:30pm to 10:30pm on Brand Blvd., Glendale 7-25-08 Summer Night on the Plaza 6pm to 9p
Here is another view of the Foothills from the La Crescenta area. We are usually above the smog! Small town community but close to downtown Los Angeles. What a wonderful place to live and work! The La Crescenta area has wonderful schools and lots of parks. We are currently building a new libr
We live in a fairly secluded community. Very few people know we are here, but we are just minutes from Glendale and Downtown Los Angeles. We are an area of lovely homes and even lovlier people! Welcome to the fabulous community of La Crescenta! Check out available homes at http://century21crest
Crescenta Valley High School. The facade was recently remodeled. This is a great school for athletics, the arts and general education. We have a terrific faculty with talented coaches and teachers. Test scores are above average. We rate a 10 out of 10 on the "great schools" website. Glendal
It is going to be a great weekend in the La Crescenta area! We will have our usual fireworks set off from Crescenta Valley High School. You can view them from most homes in the area, but pull up a chair at Lincoln Grammar School and join the festivities. Remember to restrain your dogs and give
I live in a small suburb north of Los Angeles and Glendale, California. I try, whenever possible, to do business with the local mom-n-pop businesses instead of the big-box stores. I figure that it good for the community. Now, my little old mother had a knee replacement a week ago last Monday.
Is the time that you spend waiting for the acceptance of an offer spent in an alternate universe? The hours drag. Your clients call. You call the agent. More waiting while they try to get an answer out of their clients. I really feel for my clients who want this house so badly. And still th
July is a great month in La Crescenta! All of the High School kids have already had try-outs for athletics at Crescenta Valley High School. Summer league play is beginning. We will be having our usual Fourth of July Fireworks Celebration at or near Crescenta Valley High School on the Fourth! F