Guess what's happening in Dyersburg today? Well we are getting more rain with activerain. We are being really informed with a real treat from Brad with Activerain. We have activerainers from everywhere even Florida. We are having lots of fun networking with other activerainers. I know for us n
I think that this is for all of us old dogs in Real Estate. Real Estate is a fast changing business as we can see everyday. It isn't just the new technology that is affecting the way we do business, but the unethical business practices of some of the new agents as well as some of the older ag
One thing that I have noticed since I have been in business is that you find some people who are not very cooperative. I feel like they have not studied the Golden Rule and the first rule of real estate or maybe they were raised that way. My parents and grandparents taught me better than that. T
I would like to recommend some good reading material for anyone in real estate or anyone that has to deal with people on a daily basis. I think that over the years we get in a rut trying to be all things to all people. The book is by Rick Pitino- Success is a Choice. This book has really inspire