Geesh!! it took me a while to get here! Sorry for the long and drawn out explanations, but I HAD to give you some history before I got to the good stuff.Just in case you missed them, here are the 2 previous articles:Real Estate Branding - Rick and Ines Style Real Estate Branding - Rick and Ines
Recently we had a customer (who I'll call Mr. Loyal), that was outraged from a letter he received in the mail. I decided to tell you about it because it may make you rethink some of your marketing strategies. (Especially when it comes to "expired listing letters").We had listed Mr. Loyal's home
In PART I of Real Estate Branding - Rick and Ines Style, I told you how our real estate branding efforts started and gave you some examples of what we were producing. I explained how being consistent was key to our marketing success. Now I'd like to tell you about change.I can't explain if it's
I wrote a post a while back called Investors that leave a sour taste in your mouth. There I told you about the manipulating tactics of one particular investor we had dealt with who wanted us to draft a fraudulent offer. Take a look at the comment thread because it is hilarious. Once we scared t
As Realtors we need to become incredible marketing experts not only of our properties but of ourselves as well. When marketing yourselves and your business you must think of branding and the many aspects within the "branding scope" of marketing. Diane Aurit wrote a great article about branding a
Hi Paris,After so many trips to Miami, I was so glad to hear that you are finally considering buying a property here. There are so many places I know you will like, but I will narrow it down to three until I can get a feel for what you are really looking for. By the way, I know how frightening
We went to show one of our listings today to a buyer not working with a Realtor. Of course our goal is primarily to sell them that house, but it is also to gain that buyer as a customer. This buyer is different - she has done her homework, she knows the inventory, the price per square foot, the
To say that mid-century architects were more practical is an understatement. Yes we've seen a sudden "Green Movement" taking over, and NO, I don't think this is bad, quite the contrary, it's something everyone should be aware of. But looking at Miami's architecture, I have to admit that I have a
We all have different reasons for blogging, but I think we can agree that getting business from it is the top priority. When I started blogging last year here in Active Rain, I got something I never expected from this network, camaradery, useful information and friends!But after months of bloggi
This is a great weekend post to make everyone think - don't look at the answer at the bottom until you really think about it! Which way is the bus below traveling? To the left or to the right?Can't make up your mind? Look carefully at the picture again. Still don't know? Preschoolers all over t