OK, I'm not blogging as much, but I'm still here, and I'm still looking for some great posts to include in my Sunday Favorites. And here is this week's list:Second Chance Saturday: Week 2 Carol Williams: Carol is now bringing us some oldies but goodies looking for a second life!Weltanschauung E...
Barak Obama's first Inaugural attracted a crowd of between 1 and 1.8 million people, depending on which estimates you believe. And it was one of the coldest days in Washington's history. As a volunteer along the parade route, they issued my battery operated glove and boot inserts to deter fros...
ActiveRain is a great place to promote our businesses, whether it's a new listing, a new loan product, home staging services, or whatever you might do to help people who buy, sell or own homes. But....Before you start a huge marketing effort here for whatever your shiny new thing might be, there...
There was a Q&A about this, and the comments brought me to Lyn's really informative post. And I missed it first time around, so in case you did, too, here is a reblog! Recently I wrote a post about the fall through rate in our Northwest Suburban area. We don't have definitive numbers on how man...
I used to set off burglar alarms on a weekly basis. I had a little phobia, and on more than one occasion, I had to root through my purse for my real estate license when Officer Friendly pulled up in her patrol car and I had to justify being at the scene of what she thought might be a crime. But ...
Once again, Lynn Friedman has challenged us to share out thoughts on Weltanschauung - or our world view and how it fits into our real estate practice or, in this case, out blogging activities on ActiveRain.Lynn asks us to take one of the ten sections of the ActiveRain Weltanschauung and write abo...
Looking at clouds - the best part of flying these daysThese are clouds above the Virginia countryside on my last trip to Seattle. One of the things I love about flying is grabbing a window seat with a view that is unobstructed by the wings and engine. Then I start to snap. And as I clean out m...
In Washington, DC, there are many houses with a history, or perhaps we should call it a "past".When I left management and went back into selling, I was listless. And to remedy the situation, I spent a weekend harassing FSBO's,, including the people who had been trying to sell this home near Dupo...
Lou brings us some catsup wisdom! I just loved this post! No Task is Too Small “No task is too little to be done in the best way.” H.J. Heinz 1844 -1919, Founder of the H.J. Heinz Company As I see it . . . . . . . No task is too small In undertaking any task . . . . give it your best . . ....
It's Sunday again, and time to look back over some of ther fun posts from last week. Here are the ones that jumped out at mePainting with a Twist: Now Open in Kendall - Miami, FL. Lisa Hernandez: This is a fun way to have fun and create great staging props.A legendary story of standards...and fl...