Even if you are a novice photographer, using simple tips you can improve your listing advertising and increase your showings. Just taking pictures is Good and apparently more than some agents (your competition) are doing now. But, taking enticing pictures is Great and will pay off immediately i
The MLS gives you a limited amount of pictures to place with a listing which means they really have to help sell the property. You can't afford to squander this opportunity. Buyers' agents use photos to weed out listings so don't underestimate the value of your photos. With digital cameras you
This is the career of someone you might have heard about... Failed at business Age 22 Ran for Legislature- defeated 23 Again failed at business 24 Elected to Legislature 25 Girlfriend died 26 Had Nervous Breakdown
This Information is from Rossmar and Graham the Andersen Springs HOA. You may have noticed our greenbelt grass is turning brown in some areas. This is due to four main line breaks last week, one right after another. Unfortunately, the pump house had to be turned off while the breaks were repaired
Woo hoo! New Chandler Shopping Area - Portico Place Hooray! The ugly blight of the Rogers Electronics Plant and then the demolished remains on the Southwest corner of Dobson and Chandler Boulevard is gone. This borders the Andersen Springs neighborhood. Construction is in full swing on a CVS (an
If so, I'd love to hear from you. I have been a believer in Law of Attraction (LOA) for about 25 years. I've used it to visualize and attract jobs, situations and outcomes in my life. I've used it to project desired outcomes as well as to receive them. Now I am using it for Real Estate. I am
It appears to be an auspicious time for buyers from the north to consider spending next winter away from the bitter cold and biting wind they experienced this winter. Prices are amazingly low, the Phoenix market is glutted with properties and sellers are anxious to negotiate. Canadians are find
Color has dramatic effects on buyers. Let your sellers in on some Feng Shui secrets. Color has both positive effects on us. They provide an emotional tone to a room. Colors can excite us, calm us, In feng shui, color controls and assists reflected light. The combination of color and light sh
Short Sales in the Phoenix Area I had a chuckle when an acquaintance wanted to know if a Short Sale meant that the house would only be available for a "limited time". Realtors are used to the 'Lingo' but if you haven't been following the real estate market as a buyer or seller lately, this ter
The World is Flat – No Kidding! It is! Barack Obama and John McCain are you listening? Have you read this book? This is my new favorite book. It is written by Thomas L. Friedman, who writes for the NY Times. He explains how society is now in a great, all encompassing transition which he calls