Ran across this great article posted to CNBC this morning and it caused me to stop and wonder: How willing am I, are you, to take the time to help a potential client become literate and knowledgeable in the world of home ownership and mortgage financing? What are your expectations? Do you have mi...
One of the enjoyable things about living in Boerne, Texas are the trails that wind around and through the city for all to use.  In a past blog, we visited the the Old no. 9 Railroad Trail.  Today, we will take a stroll down Boerne's Cibolo Trail.       Approximatly 1.75 miles in length, Cibolo Tr...
Search current inventory of Homes for sale in Boerne, Texas. Listing Details Open House at 215 Leather Leaf, English Oaks, Boerne, Texas on Saturday, February 7th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. 215 Leather Leaf, Boerne, TX 78006Price: 334,500MLS number: 1074094Bedrooms: 4Bathrooms: 2.5Square Footage: 2438 C...
  Download the    The Best of Boerne  Take the hassle out of relocating to or within Boerne and the surrounding communities Have instant access to Boerne area’s best:  Inspectors Service Providers Utility Connection Resources And much more...   To grab the app from the i​Tunes store,​ scan the co...
The small town of Boerne dates back to 1851.  It was founded by German immigrants that obviously knew a good thing when they saw it, and Boerne came into being as a small settlement in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. One of the great ways to get to know the town is to step off of main street a...
One type of buyer we have the pleasure of working with here in the Texas hill country is what we like to refer to as the “town and country” client. Generally speaking, these clients tend to live and work in one of the nearby metro areas (San Antonio, Austin, some even come from as far away as Hou...
The Hill Country Daily Bread is a faith-based,regional ministry that provides support to more than 8,200 people in the Texas Hill Country.  Located in Boerne, TX, HCDB serves Kendall and 7 other surrounding counties: Bexar, Bandera, Kerr, Comal, Gillespie, Uvalde, and Medina.  The HCDBM works wi...
Granted, only 16 hours before this photo was taken; ice pellets, freezing rain, and sleet was falling from the sky.  But that’s just how life is in the Texas hill country. Sure, we have our occasional icepocalypses, but these are generally broken when the sun breaks through and the temperature ri...
To follow up on our post from Friday, CNBC's headlined this article today relating to the spillover effects of the decline in oil prices.  For those of us working in an economic environment that has benefitted from higher oil prices and their corresponding support of shale extraction, this is not...
Travel south and southeast of the Texas Hill Country and you find yourself in the boom town speckled geographical area that sits atop the Eagle Ford oil shale play. Over the past few years, the economic growth from this and other shale plays in Texas and from around the U.S. have contributed to a...

Traci and Richmond Frasier

The Hill Country Dream Team
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