Market activity and sales continue to improve over the greater Portland area market, while listing inventory continues to fall creating a faster selling market time. In North Portland comparing Aug. 2009 with Sept. 2009 Listing inventory falls while Average Sales Price increases. The Media
Back in the day Southeast Portland was king. Especially in and around the Hawthorne District. Real estate prices then as well as now drove the market in Southeast. Meanwhile the Northeast suffered. In general the homes were principally the same. In fact it could be argued that the architecture in
Looking back in time is certainly not a predictor of the Future but it can help to throw a light on trends. The graph below looks at Average Sales prices for the Month of August in each of the years from 2005 through 2009. It also displays the Median Home price for the Year to date in each of th
Looking back in time is certainly not a predictor of the Future but it can help to throw a light on trends. The graph below looks at Average Sales prices for the Month of August in each of the years from 2005 through 2009. It also displays the Median Home price for the Year to date in each of th
Looking back in time is certainly not a predictor of the Future but it can help to throw a light on trends. The graph below looks at Average Sales prices for the Month of August in each of the years from 2005 through 2009. It also displays the Median Home price for the Year to date in each of tho
Over all the greater Portland Metro market is showing mixed results. While some areas like North Portland and inner Northeast and Southeast Portland are showing strong results the outer areas continue to suffer with longer market times and continued lower prices. Amount of over all inv
Over all the greater Portland Metro market is showing mixed results. While some areas like North Portland and inner Northeast and Southeast Portland are showing strong results the outer areas continue to suffer with longer market times and continued lower prices. Amount of over all inven
Over all the greater Portland Metro market is showing mixed results. While some areas like North Portland and inner Northeast and Southeast Portland are showing strong results the outer areas continue to suffer with longer market times and continued lower prices. Amount of over all inv
In my last post I suggested you Get in Get Out or Get out of the Way ! So if you are still reading then you either have decided to stay or are hoping that I have changed my mind. I have Not! If you do not want to get out then you will need to make some changes. Stop riding on other peoples coat t
Is your market still stagnant? Or is it you who are the stagnant one? Real estate income is all about contracts. In good times and bad people will move. What happens more often than not is that we fall prey to our own expectations. In our own neighborhoods, the very ones we are supposed to be the