Sometimes it pays to listen to the recorded messages that sometimes come to your phones. I happen to be home this morning on the first day of school-I thought that would be the most important thing that happened today but, perhaps not. I learned by listening today that our town has an emergency d
I am also licensed in Florida and keep track of the conventions there too. One of my friends from Texas is speaking at the convention in Orlando and they streamed it live this morning. If you are a REALTOR in TX you may know Mark Porter he is a CRS instructor and has been a great resource in Nort
Happy to be home safely! We spent the summer in Charlotte, NC a very small, big town. It is sooo green there with huge trees. Sometimes I think about retiring and as we travel wonder about different areas but, with trees that big there has to be snow to water them and that isn't part of my plans
I really didn't mean to but, seems like there was this real estate fog in my brain. Decided to jumpstart the business and found a great attitude from reforming the plan. It didn't strike me as much different until my family started to comment on how happy I sounded. How did ya do that you ask? 1.
I saw an ad in the local Briefings newspaper I think, that described an ambitious lady who likes to paint. She collects the trees 3-400 a year (Ok but-how about two or three?)and has them sliced into 1/2 in rounds-then paints them with festive iconic scenes to be used for Holiday ornements and sh
Hello all, I have missed you. I have been responding to some posts off and on this year but, not posting myself so much. I/ve been in turtle mode for a while, internally that is. It's been a busy year. We have lost 3 family members to death this year, which is why my posts have slacked off a lot.
Ok I "subscribed" to a post and now have had second thoughts-is it wise to take time and therefore energy away from what we should be focusing on, to read or comment on issues that should have an easy solution? This is sometimes just like when you are in the middle of a divorce and all you can he
Before I start talking about wants: I have a house to Sell or Trade. If it's a trade it can happen pretty fast if it's a Sale I will wait until Spring to put it on the market. Happy trekking -we are off to FLA next week. Business and Pleasure-I love to travel. We always shop for houses while we a
Please join us either June 4th or 11th Call for reservations 6:30pm to 8:30pm 469-429-0160 Leave name, number and DATE! Refreshments will be served. Click here to check outThe Frisco Real Estate Buying! See you there!
Home Page? My Page Check it? We are very excited to announce the release of the new company website. Everything you can hope for or need to use to find a property in North Texas is all right here. Plus we added some cool links- Check the map searches, (I personally love the map searches) the "f