If you have kids or know folks who have kids this is so much fun to do! Checkout NORAD's Santa Tracker. Share it with the young ones or the young at heart! This has become a tradition in our home and I hope sharing it here will help keep your little ones and the young at heart busy, too. Ali is
Did you know that it was Martin Luther on the way home at Christmastime who saw stars through a pine tree. It so overwhelmed him with it's beauty that he had to share that beauty with his family. He brought in a little tree and lit candles so they could see the "stars" as he had. So started the t
Just got the results back on the Hubby's cancer fight-He's winning! Numbers are undetectible and if you have had or ever known anyone in that fight you know there is no better gift. So this year at least my Christmas is perfect! It doesn't matter what else happens or doesn't happen-I'm good!- bee
I admire those folks who let the entire world know who they are right from the cradle. Most kids seem to do that naturally then somewhere along the line we lose some of that voice that says, "Hello world, here I am: like me or not, I'm happy with who I am and so there." It disappears. Why does it
This is an open letter to Lisa Molino, an aspiring Networker who taught me something today! We both joined an online Networking group on Linkedin and she was mystified that no one was "talking" in the group it seemed that all they wanted was to connect to anyone/everyone and that is like taking a