The TARP Vs. Other Government Spending Programs How Does The Current Size Of The TARP Compare With Other Government Projects Over Time?Through out the history of our Republic, the government has undertaken many large projects, programs and actions for the good of the people. In today's dollars,
The Political and Financial Markets Commentator If you don't get it delivered to your inbox or feed, these are the stories you missed this week: Is Your Stock Analyst Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? Change Will Make Them Women And Men Would You Buy A Used Car From This Man Is A GM Bankruptcy Goo
Please visit The Political and Financial Markets Commentator at Friday, November 7, 2008 I Want A Bailout Too Where Do I Get My Bailout? Slowing sales Cash burn Growing liabilities Difficulty getting customers financing Negative impact on business from de
If you ever wanted to know what this type of lending is all about, whether as a borrower or as an investor, I wrote a short article on the topic at . Check it out, and if you have any thoughts, comments or questions please let me know. Particularly in this b
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Democrat or Democratic? Early Election Night ThoughtsIt's about 4 PM EST and I just finished voting. I am listening to some commentary on the radio and the speaker is referring to the party that is not Republican, as the the Democratic party, and those running for offi
Why The Senate Result On Tuesday May Be Most Critical Originally uploaded by tgbusill Electoral Map Where should your state be? Election Day Is Here!! It's the day we've been waiting for o' these many months. Who is going to win the presidency? Will it be Obama or McCain? The truth is, if Obama
At The Political and Financial Market Commentator, Name Your Favorite Wall Street Cliche What Is Your Favorite Cliche (even a broken clock is right twice a day)?Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a dayOriginally uploaded by crouchingbadger As a
Vote now at The Political and Financial Markets Commentator at Presidential Poll: Vote Here Now!!! Cast Your Vote Now I am conducting this poll through Monday afternoon in order to get a feel for how the ordinary American as well as the exceptional American
From The Political and Financial Markets Commentary at Some Quick Economic Statistics To Use At Cocktail Parties Just Days Before The Election, What's Going On?In about 5 days we are going to know who our new president is, and have a better idea of the direc
Read the entire story at The Political and Financial Markets Commentator at Thursday, October 30, 2008 Headline: Federal Reserve Cuts Rates 50 basis points and more The Two Day Fed Meeting Ends With A Cut Of 50bp.The Fed lowered its' overnight lending rate