From The Political and Financial Markets Commentator. Go to to sign-up for free email or feed delivery of new blogs Friday, December 19, 2008 "10 Outrageous Claims For 2009" Friday SnippetsA New SEC Chief Named- Barack Obama names Mary Schapiro as new SEC
Thursday, December 18, 2008 Crude Prices, House Arrest and SEC Ineptitude Quick question: Why is Bernie Madoff, apparently one of the biggest crooks of all time, doing house arrest with an ankle bracelet in his $7 million house when he couldn't make bail?In a related story SEC Chairman Cox had th
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Bernie Madoff: Who Could (Should) Have Known? Question: How do you make a small fortune?Answer: Start with a large fortune and give it to Bernie Madoff to invest!"When the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies": Jefferson Airplane,1967"I would not j
The Political and Financial Markets Commentator If you didn't subscribe for email or feed delivery, these are the stories that you missed this week: Memories Of A Day Trader The Auto Bailout: Between A Rock And A Hard Place Athletes, Privilege and the Law Are Stocks Off To The Races? Maybe,
Friday, December 12, 2008 Memories Of A Day Trader As In Life and Trading, Timing Is EverythingBuy the dips, sell the rallys.I became a proprietary equity trader back in 1987. At the time, one of the most volatile stocks on the NYSE was MMM with moves that could be a full point or more. These mov
Reprinted from The Political and Financial Markets Commentator at Friday, December 5, 2008 Global Blast Of Liquidity: What Does It All Mean? The Rate Cut Merry-Go-Round Just Keeps On SpinningIn a throwback to an earlier time, the Bank of England cut its key
If you haen't been getting your feed or email updates of the stories that have been written the last week, here are some of the titles: Torture: What Is The Correct Definition? The Big Three: This Time They Drove The Selling Of America: The List Goes On And On The War On Terror: Still In The Firs
If you don't subscribe for free to The Political and Financial markets Commentator by either email or through a feed, these are the stories that you missed this week. Imagine what you missed the week before: Is Morality A Four Letter Word They Came In Private Jets And Left Empty Handed an... The
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Neel Kashkari Hammered On The Hill Neel Kashkari, www.unhostels.orgOriginally uploaded by neelkashkari Neel Kashkari Pays Paulson's Price Serving as a proxy for Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary, Neel Kashkari, whose title is interim assistant secretary of Treasury for financial stability faced