Buyers’ may be having more positive perceptions about the state of available inventory, according to a new survey released by the National Association of Home Builders. Twenty-two percent of adults planning a home purchase said in the first quarter of the year that they expect their home search t...
One of the greatest myths in the world of real estate is that buying a home that’s in a pre-foreclosure state, or one that has already been foreclosed upon, will get you the very best deal possible. This is inaccurate for a number of reasons, though if you know what you’re looking at you can some...
As loved ones start to get older, we start to wonder: how long will they be able to live alone? Will they need someone there to help them with daily life? There’s a reason to ask those questions now more than ever, as the average age in the U.S. is 78 years old! As a result, 41% of Americans in...
In today’s housing market, home prices are increasing at a slower pace (3.7%) than they have over the last eight years (6-7%). However, they are still are above historical norms. Low supply of listed homes and high demand from buyers has pushed prices to rise rapidly.In the mind of the homeowner,...
Look, you don’t have time to be reading a long introductory statement on what you need to do this Memorial Day Weekend in Atlanta -- you’re probably already missing the party! Lots of fun things start now and continue for the next 48 hours, so get down to the list below and figure out your plan ...
If you’re in the military or retired from it, you most likely have heard about the VA loan. This loan is for a home and comes along with many benefits.Those who are getting ready to buy a home and want to use a VA loan will be interested in knowing these five facts about it.#1: No Mortgage Insura...
According to CoreLogic, from 2006 to 2014 “there were 7.3 million housing foreclosures and 1.9 million short sales.” The hesitation some Americans feel after experiencing a foreclosure brings to mind the old saying: “Fool me once- shame on you. Fool me twice- shame on me.”According to the 2019 Ho...
Everything’s getting smarter these days. Everything. Not only are smart appliances, smart outlets, smart light bulbs and smart TVs gaining traction, smart windows are all the rage among the techy types. They can also be a really useful part of your home automation setup.They’re not for everybody ...
While you are reading this article, a hacker sitting next to you using the same public Wi-Fi that you are using could have infiltrated your emails and key files and robbed you of your money and made a real mess of your business and potential real estate transactions.You cannot afford to be ill-in...
Home prices have been on the rise for the last seven years, leading many housing market analysts to conclude that first-time homebuyers are being shut out of the market due to affordability concerns.The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports on the percentage of First-Time Home Buyers (FT...