TIM GRISSETT's (gtim) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Chapman Hall Premier Realtors



Don’t rouse the IRS or pay more taxes than necessary — know the score on each home tax deduction and credit.   The federal tax law signed by President Donald Trump Dec. 22, 2017, may affect home ownership tax benefits described in this article. The new law goes into effect for the 2018 tax year ...
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently released their edition of the Housing Affordability Index. The index measures whether or not a typical family earns enough income to qualify for a mortgage loan on a typical home at the national level based on the most recent price and income da...
Selling your home is a big deal, but these tips can make it go smoothly. Do some research before picking an agent   FIZKES/SHUTTERSTOCK Most sellers find their agent through a referral from a friend or relative (39 percent) or by going back to an agent they used to buy or sell before (25 percent)...
In a recent CNBC article, it was reported that many baby boomers are selling their current homes and moving into rentals, rather than purchasing another home. “Between 2009 and 2015, the number of renters aged 55 or above rose 28 percent, while those aged 34 or younger only increased 3 percent… M...
Some home sellers would need a sale contract inked before the end of 2017 in order to avoid a big tax bill that would be imposed if the GOP tax reform proposals become law. Both the House and Senate bills would require sellers to have lived in their residence for a longer period of time before qu...


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