5-Bed Home with Man Cave in Weston Estates in Cary - Morrisville NC Welcome to 109 Brooktree Court in Weston Estates! This is a 6/5.5 home on a half-acre lot with a southern exposure that sits high above many of neighboring homes. The unobstructed vistas are liberating! The house is constructed o...
I just heard Ron Phipps' first audio podcast to the NAR. His address focused on the need to keep the Mortgage Interest Deduction in place. 1. He says that the MID impacts 75M Americans. Wrong, Mr. Phipps. It impacts the next generation who will be tapped to pay for it and the associated inter...
Increasing Property Values Through the Power of the Market - A Tea Partying Real Estate Agent's Perspective Like many realtors throughout the country, I can now say that I'm "earning my stripes" as I've experienced my first downturn and am struggling to deal with a market that is trying to solidf...
Are You Debating About Whether on Not to Sell Your Investment Property due to impending Tax Increase? There are 2 impending tax increases that are about to ensue that should prompt you to re-analyze your investment properties. The first is the expiration of the Bush-Era tax cuts on Jan 1, 2011. ...
Open House July 5th & 6th 2010 at 200 Burgwin Wright Wy, Cary NC 27519 200 Burgwin Wright is custom-built home within Tatton Place Subdivision in west Cary. I, Gerard Falzon, am the co-listing agent and invite you to tour this wonderful home this weekend. I'm hosting the Open House on Sunay a...