The Elk River is one of three world-class salmon, cutthroat and steelhead trout fishing rivers in the Port Orford area. It rises approximately 25 miles into the Coastal Range of mountains of northern Curry County in the Siskiyou National Forest. Generally speaking it flows in a westerly direction...
The Sixes River is one of three world-class salmon, cutthroat and steelhead trout fishing rivers in the forests around Port Orford. It rises approximately 30 miles into pristine areas of the Coastal Range of mountains of northern Curry County just south of Sugarloaf Mountain in the Siskiyou Natio...
We have experience in solving the foreclosure problems. In 1933 FDR's people redefined the role of the Federal Home Loan Banking Board through the Home Owner's Loan Act and created the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC). The HOLC was granted $200 million in start up funds and the authority to ma...
The risk is manageable and they once again can make money on: Residential mortgages Commercial mortgages Business loans Auto loans Credit Cards, The govt. is taking action to stabilize the economy and create a market environment in which the risks can be managed and banks will make loans. In addi...
I just finished a webinar at John Burns Real Estate Consulting that provided some insight and clarification about the reasons home buyers are not buying. Some of this is common knowledge but I like to have good reference data available in any discussion with listing clients. The source of this in...
Facts Historically, our bankruptcy laws have permitted court approved adaptation of every type of debt obligation except for mortgages secured by single-family principal residences. Mortgages and mortgage terms are not modified by bankruptcy judges. Debtors propose the modifications, if the modif...
Although the process is very opaque, the Treasury Dept. is assessing the condition of the nation's 8.500 banks and assigning them a rating of one to five where 1 means the Treasury Dept. will most likely make an equity investment in your bank and 5 means that it most likely wont. I explained this...
ProPublica, an independent non-profit newsroom that works in the public interest reports that 278 billion dollars were allocated to 282 banks. Their report is at the following website ). However, we still don’t know how these funds are...
By the date of President Roosevelt's inauguration, 4 March 1933, we were in the depth of the Great Depression. The citizenry was panicked; there had been a run on the banks; and nearly all of the nation's banks had temporarily closed. To paraphrase our present Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Pau...
The Obama Administration and the new Congress will be implementing economic stimulus and recovery programs in the amount of ~700 Billion dollars. These programs will fund green energy projects, public transportation projects, infrastructure projects, and school building and rehabilitation project...