Diamond Farming Probate Real Estate Systems

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Real Estate Agent - EXP Realty
Author of the Best Selling Book Diamond Farming, Gary D - Re/Max Hall Of Fame - explains the ins and outs of Probate Real Estate, sharing the information from his probate real estate system.
     Greetings! Well half a year already gone in 2017!  I can't believe how fast time goes these days.  It feels like yesterday I was in my late 30's just starting my probate real estate business and now in a blink I'm late 60's.   I have semi retired and now slowing down some working just 3 days...
     I have semi retired in 2017 and I must say I'm loving it.  I'm spending more time with my wife, my kids and grand children.  I'm coaching Basketball again and riding the Harley more.    I do still work my Real Estate business but now as a Manager just overseeing what I have delegated to some...
I'm excited to pass on this information, I'm looking for agents who want to have their hard work now in selling and listing real estate finance their retirement in 5 to 10 years!   Do you qualify?  Ask me. Agents/Brokers, here is some info on eXp Realty, call me when you have some time to chat ab...
So 2017 started off slow for me.  I closed several probate deals originated in Dec 2016 but became sick and out for Jan and Feb.  Nothing major but kept me home and resting for almost 2.5 months.   I have just started working again but as I believe every downturn brings something good.  This time...
I'm looking for Agents and Brokers who want to take their real estate business to over Six Figures, and build a Real Estate Business which can Finance their Retirement when it's all over!   This is not just for over 50+ agents but for any agent/broker who after receiving the facts can make a educ...
Ok, so now your interested because it's FREE! lol.   Please understand anything worth your time and energy is going to cost some type of investment.  Why wouldn't it?  Students have paid $1500 each for my course over the years.   Currently my program is $500 but if you have been following my blog...
RETIREMENT!  DID I SAY RETIREMENT!  NOW WAY! BUT SLOW DOW, WORKING LESS YES!     Well, I'm in my 43rd year of real estate sales and just had my biggest year in 2016.  I have been a long time Six Figure Earner but 2016 was about $100K over my best year to date.  This is Net Earnings not gross sale...
What a GREAT meet up it was. We will be back soon, working with you Finding, Buying, Selling, Listing, Fliping, Farming and Wholesaling Homes in Probate.If you're in the Southern California Area and would like to partner with my team and I, reach out and we'll explain how you can get started. I c...
  What the IAEA does in regard to our interest (probate real estate investing and sales) is allow the executor of the estate to sell the property with limited court supervision and approving the sale. This is so powerful for us Probate Agents! The executor can file with the court through their at...
Most know my business for the last 25+ years has been Probate Real Estate. I receive questions all the time about what I do and what is the Probate Process over view so I decided to touch on these in a series of blogs.  This is the first Topic WHY PROBATE REAL ESTATE I track (my team) every proba...

Gary DiGrazia, Sr.

Probate Real Estate Expert Training
local_phone(510) 755-1883
Contact The Author
Over 25 years of successful probate real estate experience, a mastered proven system and coaching to share with the real estate community. Today you could learn something that makes you 6 figures of income. Gary D has the information for Probate Real Estate, Agents/Investors, I would take advantage of training like this. It's rare and only few have truly mastered the probate niche. Get what you need right now while Gary is sharing all the information with the community.