If you are looking to do a loan modification on your own this may help... if you need professional support feel free to email me- Bill Black What Banks Look For "Remember, the guy who writes the bank's advertisements is not the same guy who approves your loan." — Anonymous To give you an idea of ...
“What Every Investor Needs to Know About Short Sale Investing During the Summer of 2008” With the number of foreclosures and short sales on the rise, investors are doing more and more short sales out of need more than desire. The days of numerous sellers with loads of equity seem to be few....
Stimulus Package: Lawmakers Raise Lending Limits: Do you qualify for a better rate? The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 is a $168 billion plan intended to jumpstart the sliding U.S. economy. While a lot of media attention has been focused on the $600-$1,200 rebate checks that millions of taxpayers ...