Helena Kaucheck's (fsshk) Blog

Real Estate Sales Representative - United Brokers Group//The Mortgage Advantage, Inc.
  Twas THE days  before Christmas and all through my house Not a creature was stirring, especially my computer mouse As my short sale files hung on my desk with care I can’t help but think, Mr./Ms. Negotiator “Are you there?”   My children are all tightly snuggled in their beds While visions of t...
I love love love the new Bank of America!  Yes, you heard right AND no I’m not on some serious drug or at the end of a drinking Binge.  It seemed like 2011 started out as the year of BofA short sales.  The first one I had put me into a state of frenzy and fear.  I recall all the hardships that ev...
Whenever you have two parties in a transaction, civility and mutual respect should be at the forefront of any discussions.  In recent times, I’ve had the unfortunate experience of working with an agent or two who have a deficiency in the art of communication and civility that it made the whole pr...
Most people have never heard of Chandler, Arizona outside of the state.   I know I didn’t until we moved to Arizona.  For those that are looking at relocating to Arizona, let me put in my best pitch for you to consider Chandler.  Chandler was awarded the 2010 All American City.  This prestigious ...
Over the last few years, short sales have taken over our lives and our careers.  As a full time agent, the short sale is the most common listing that I acquire.  For those of us who still are not venturing into the short sale world, the loss of income could potentially run 60% or more since that ...
I am completely fixated to my TV watching the Chilean miner rescues. As these 33 men come up from the a depth of more than the Empire State building, I sit back and wonder how they overcame such huge adversities of mind, spirit and body. While I will never know what each man went through and trul...
Shhhhhhh... Don't tell my family I am writing this blog right now. You see I am "on vacation". As a real estate agent; I've never taken a real vacation. There seems to be a file or two that requires attention even though I have colleagues that can take over or work hard to close them before I lea...
  I’ve recently had an increase of inquiries from both newly appointed real estate agents and agents who have been in business for many years on how to overcome the latest declines in real estate sales.  Since the Spring, many of us have experienced some pretty obvious declines in our business.  ...

Helena Kaucheck

NMLS #610035
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