Not only are the cities and towns already out of snow removal funds, so are a lot of condo complexes.If you are planning to purchase a condo, I would highly recommend making your offer contingent upon your satisfactory review of not only the condo docs, but also the condo financial statements. Re
The City of Quincy is kicking off it's annual Holiday Celebrations. The events get better every year and always include Family oriented activities.The activities include; The Chrstmas Lights Ceremony with over 50,000 lights being displayed. Santas arrival by helicopter. The annual Chrstmas Parade
Novemeber, 2007Thomas Koch has been elected Mayor of the City of Quincy beating 3 term incumbant Mayor William Phelan by over 2000 votes. Although he will not take over the Mayor's office until January 7th, he is already busy laying out his agenda. Quincy is in the process of building a new High
The New Quincy High School Building the New High School is moving forward. The City has announced they are now seeking bids for the construction which is expected to begin in the fall and completed in 2010.First Track in Quincy To Begin Soon.Construction of a new eight lane track will begin soon
The City of Quincy is in negotiations with Honeywell Corp. to upgrade and modify all schools and municipal buildings. The improvements will consist of newer more efficient heating and lighting systems. There has been some talk of solar panels also being used.After having an evaluation done, it wa
Quincy has something for everyone when it comes to finding something to do. There are many ballfields throughout the city, tennis courts, basketball courts, and skateboard parks.For the Golfing Enthusiasts, Quincy has 3 Golf Courses, including the new Granite Links Golf Course at Quarry Hills. Fo
The Truth About Your Deed - There has been a massive direct mail campaign from a company calling themselves National Deed Services, Inc. based in Washington D.C. that is targeting residents of Norfolk County with an offer to provide a certified copy of the homeowners deed to them for $59.50.This
On Sunday, February 25, 2007 the 19th annual Asian Festival was held at North Quincy High School from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM. This festival is a celebration of the Lunar New Year which actually began February 18th.Quincy is a very diverse City and the Asian population has grown steadily over the yea
Quincy Center consists of the Quincy Square area, as well as, the Hospital Hill and Presidents Hill areas.Quincy Center is loaded with history. The Hancock Cemetery is located next to City Hall, and is the burial ground for John Hancock, and John Adams and John Quincy Adams were buried there befo
The Quincy City Council just voted to approve a 1 year moratorium on building three or more units in resdience B zoning.Residence B zoning allows for construction of Multi-Unit dwellings. Older homes have been bought up, torn down, and 3 plus Townhouse units built in it's place.The City Councillo