Like most real estate professionals – and people with other professions – negotiating is a normal, almost daily activity. Negotiating for clients is part of an expected routine that comes with the territory. And don’t get me started on the negotiations often involved with our partners, parents, f
I don’t necessarily want to be a “boss”. I’m happy to be my own boss and work independently but in complete concert with others. But there are times when being more assertive, more “boss-like” is definitely warranted. And I’ll pretty much read anything related to improving communications. The pr
Someone commented on my recent post about morning habits that cause stress. So it seemed only natural and fitting that I share information from another timely article related to morning habits - good ones that are helpful and that we should adopt. Apparently there are prescribed methods for worki
I have to confess that when I first saw the title of this article I thought “I don’t have any morning habits. I have routines but I feel free to change them as circumstances dictate”.Upon further reflection it occurred to me that maybe my “routines” are habits even if not formalized or based on s
An interesting article asks if we’re constantly racing to cross items off our to-do lists, juggling several tasks at a time, and feeling like we’re behind schedule? Do we get agitated by any impediment, however small, that attempts to slow down our progress? If the answers are “yes”, we might be
OK. Time to fess up. I can’t be the only real estate agent to sneak a peek every so often at Zillow or some other consumer website to gaze at properties that have no relation to me or my clients. Just to see “what’s out there” – but really, just to escape from whatever task I’m currently tackling
I think I’ve read hundreds of articles over the years about how to get energized/create energy at various times of the day. So when I saw yet another treatise on this subject my first thought was to pass. And then I scrolled down the page and saw the subtitle “Hydrate (coffee counts!)” I had to
Who knew that actively pursuing happiness can backfire. That’s the premise of a recent article that lists methods research shows actually helps increase joy. The article begins with the author’s mention that at the start of the new year, she and her husband were reflecting about what we hope for
It's a new year with new beginnings, a time for renewed optimisim and anticipation - particularly this new year.I think we can all agree that most of 2020 was been filled with daily depressing news about deaths from the pandemic along with very sad reports about related matters. An insightful ar
So thanksgiving is over and while it was fun seeing family members via Zoom, it definitely wasn’t the same as being together in person. Looks like it may be the same dynamic for Christmas.We’re grateful, of course, that our loved ones, friends and collegues are well and safe and that we’re health