I just read an interesting blog with this provocative title and wanted to share essentially as written. Though the article specifically relates to sales – real estate sales – I believe there are wider applications. The subject is one I think about often in my daily interactions: business, persona
I think we all experience getting swept up in other people’s problems or in situations that are largely out of our control. A recent article didn’t really make a distinction between family/relative problems and those of friends and/or colleagues. For me, there is a difference so I relate to the
Another blog I read recently talked about lessons learned after reading a book by Phil Knight titled Shoe Dog. Phil Knight is the co-founder of Nike. The blogger comments that whether we agree with his politics or not, we can learn a lot about how to run a business from him. The blogger goes
Word experts say we need to ditch certain phrases in order to sound more assertive - if that's our aim.A recent article suggests that we all have skills, opinions and ideas that we feel confident about. But whether or not other people — a manager, colleague, friend, partner or new acquaintance —
A recent article noted how a lot of things trend on social media, and how many of those trending topics aren’t good. In fact, they can be pretty harmful (NyQuil chicken). But, like all trends, they capture attention for a reason — some of these popular topics even prove pretty useful. In 2022, pa
Most of us are aware of Dopamine, a feel-good chemical that’s produced in your brain. Essentially, it makes us happy. And our brains release it with certain activities and behaviors ― many of which we already do everyday. A recent article reminds us that we can consciously aim to participate in a
I freely admit that I’m one of those people that don’t have anything specific to say when someone asks “What are your hobbies?” Many people can easily rattle off answers to this question ― crocheting, pottery, fishing, gardening, birdwatching or whatever entices them. But for others, no acceptabl
At some point, we may find our lives/lifestyle moving in a different direction, away from our current pursuits and into new territory. Sometimes this situation can be a literal move, a pre-planned one or something over which we have no control. Whatever the circumstances, starting a new chapter i
Sometimes I just can’t let things go, no matter how trivial, inconsequential or simply not that important. And even when an error is large, the situation can generally be rectified, often by just admitting to the mistake and apologizing. A recent article notes that making mistakes happens at som
I found a very timely article that addresses a scenario that I’ve personally experienced more than once.Summer travel: It’s something we think longingly about all winter long — even more so after sticking close to home for more than two years. We daydream about possible trips and plan meticulousl