Franklin Frederick's (ffrederick) Blog

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The Path Toward Enlightenment    This is not actually about enlightenment in the Buddhist sense. I don't know enough about Buddhism to profess enlightenment of that sort. The enlightenment I'm speaking of has to do with current economic and life circumstances from both a consumer and industry sta...
Fear. One simple word evokes many emotions. Looking at news reports each day it is easy to see why there is much fear in our world today. Most of this fear surrounds money. Fear might not be the word for most of us; it's maybe a deep concern. However, with the multitude of bad news, such as high ...
The Mortgage Pie   Most people like pie. I like pie, mostly of the chocolate kind. There is another kind of pie out there, let's call it the "Mortgage Pie." This one is probably more like the pie we call a pizza. Most of us want a piece of this pie, and some of us don't care for the type of pie b...
The Secrets Behind Being Successful In Your Mortgage    Did you know that the word mortgage means something akin to pledge of death? Looking at a thirty-year mortgage can make it feel that way. However, it does not have to be. There are a few basic secrets to use a mortgage successfully for futur...
The Silver Lining In The Credit Crisis    Watching the stocks plummet and the housing market sink is not exactly heartening news to most of us. However, there may be a silver lining to the economic downturn we are currently experiencing.   Some economic and investing experts in the media tout tha...

Franklin Frederick

smartphone(707) 703-7237
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