Kenneth Young's (executivebroker) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Uni International LLC
We have 69 auto loans, performing, with a balance of $695,059.   That means that you can offer 50 cents on the dollar (approx. $350,000) for these loans.   Monthly cash flow revenue generated from these loans:  $23,993.44.     Remember that the loan balance is $695,059, this does not include the ...
Here in Virginia Beach, Va.  one of my faviorite places to go is Garrison's Bar & Grill.   Small, quiet and excellent for business meetings or taking clients out.   Owners are Jeff and Natasha Chance, you'll find Natasha usually behind the bar serving excellent drinks, and Jeff always with a smil...
Always remember that when you lend money out, do not expect it to come back.   Even with a promissory note or loan paperwork for whatever reason, i.e. downpayment on a house, need help with rent, car repairs, business loan, etc...  I have given a person basically a line of credit for the last 10 ...
Had to re-blog this.......It's time real history gets heard. You can verify or cross reference anything in this video. I've done my research, people need to get to the core of what is going on in the world. This video is one of the best that sums up YOUR LIFE. Please forward this video to everyon...
Sale #1:  5 Apartment buildings - deep discount - Appraised Value: $5,300,000, renovated in 2007, 90 units, can be yours for $1,912,050.    Occupancy: Approx. 85%   Sale #2:  4 Apartment buildings - deep discount - Appraised Value:  $5,200,000, renovated in 2007, 92 units, could be yours for $1,8...
Absentee businesses may sound like an ideal situation; however, it is rare to find a highly-profitable, well-run absentee business. There are no hard rules for how often the owner should visit or how to manage. Each situation is different. There are a few things that you must be aware of to have ...
Due diligence is probably the most critical stage in the buying process. Many prospective buyers incorrectly identify this period as strictly a financial review. However, an effective due diligence goes far beyond the numbers. Due diligence is the complete investigation and review of a business.O...
In most situations the business you own is your largest asset. Therefore, you want to obtain the best possible advisor for the sale or purchase of your largest asset.A business broker adds remarkable value to the sale or purchase of a business. The process of buying or selling a business can be t...
For those of you who have never heard of a business broker, you are not alone. Business brokers are agents that work on behalf of buyers and sellers to help them realize their goals of owning their own business or selling.  Most Business Brokers should either have owned their own businesses or ha...
1. Buy From A Terminal Widow With No HeirsYou may negotiate a covenant not to compete, but you should set aside a legal defense fund. It is a huge mistake to buy a business from seller still active in the business. He can set up a partner next door before the five or seven years are up. He can op...

Kenneth Young

local_phone(757) 515-7802
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