The ActiveRain Community Guidelines The ActiveRain Community Guidelines. When you have a large group of people who participate in a site on the net, you must have rules. Luckily, the ActiveRain brains have put together a list of dos and don’ts for us to use as a guideline on how we conduct ...
A Dance of Ice and Fire: A Grand Court Ball in Westeros in Alameda A Dance of Ice and Fire: A Grand Court Ball in Westeros. The Period Events & Entertainments Re-Creation Society, otherwise known as PEERS, are presenting their Grand Ball on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the Alameda Elks Lo...
Things to do in Alameda on January 31 and February 1, 2015 Things to do in Alameda: The Alameda’s Farmer’s Market is open to the public Saturday, January 31 and Tuesday, February 3 mornings from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, rain or shine. All the fruits and vegetables are available at great price...
What is Weltanschauung? During the time that I have been consistently blogging on ActiveRain I have learned a few things about what weltanschauung really means. I re-read the post on Weltanschauung for the 2015 Big Blog Jumpstart Challenge to refresh my memory of what this guiding principle a...
Alameda Sewer Lateral Program is now being administered by EBMUD. On January 1, 2015 East Bay Municipal District took over administration of the City of Alameda’s private sewer lateral program. In July, the City of Alameda along with 8 other cities, the Stege Sanitary District and EBMUD sign...
Open House at Alameda Point presented by Developers Open House at Alameda Point presented by Developers on Thursday, January 29, at 6:00 to 8:00 pm at Callahan Piano at Alameda Point Studios at 1800 Ferry Point in Alameda. The developers will be there to discuss new ideas and drawings of the e...
Market Report of Alameda real estate activity 1/19/14 - 1/26/15 Last week’s totals from 1/19/2015 to………..………….……………………1/26/2015 New homes on the market..................................................................7 Price changes............................................................
How can you enhance security for your Alameda vintage home? How can you enhance security for your Alameda vintage home? The Alameda Architectural Preservation Society’s first meeting of the year will address what you can do to improve the security of your vintage doors and windows Sunday, Jan...
Benefit concert for Ruby Bridges Elementary School on Saturday, January 24 at 7:00 pm at the Kofman Auditorium at 2200 Central Avenue in Alameda. The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir will join the Ruby Bridges fifth grade choir in an effort to raise money to send fifth graders to science camp...
Things to do in Alameda on January 23, 24 and 25, 2015 Things to do in Alameda: Island City Opera presents Lucia de Lammermoor on Friday, January 23 at 7:30 pm at the Alameda Elks Lodge Ballroom. Tickets are $35 and $55. The Alameda Elks Lodge is located at 2255 Santa Clara Avenue in Alamed...