Jack Lewitz's (evanstonilrealtor) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Exit Strategy Realty
The Chicago Tribune announced a new program to assist homeowners who are struggling with mortgage payments. Beginning August 1 the Illinois Housing Developement Authority will offer underwater homeowners up to $50,000 in Federal Money to reduce the amount still owed on their mortgage. In order to...
                        What Size Home is the Perfect Size ?             From 1950 through 2000 the Average size of a home has doubled.    But According to the Chart Above the Average Size of a Home peeked in 2005 to 2,227 SF and the trend is going to smaller homes.   What do you think is the per...
 4th of July is one day to put out the American Flag and show your patriotism   
4th of July is the perfect time to go to the Lakefront in Chicago.
As a realtor I want to be found on the Internet by buyers and sellers and They tell you in order to be found you must use Real Estate keywords so here is my challenge to Google and Bing . I am going to use as many keywords in this post and see who picks me up on more searches . Does google recogn...
                                                                     New Listing: $180,000                                                                       2 Bedroom / 2 Bath                                                                       In-Unit Laundry                               ...
A article in the Chicago Trubune Business section reveals about half of all residents living in Chicago are spending more than they can afford on housing. The article went on to say that according to a recent study by the McArthur Foundation Chicago families are spending more than 30% of their gr...
Buying and Selling5 Personality Types People when Dealing with Stress Family Therapist Virginia Satir identifies 5 personaliy types when people are in a stressful situation. Buying and Selling a home can at times be very stressfull. Below are personality traits that handle stress in different way...
I would say a yard becomes a focal point for most buyers after bedrooms , kitchen, and bathrooms and now is the perfect time of year to walk around the house and inspect the yard . Corner lots typically have a large side yard and small back yard.Some yards have large utility lines overhead Some y...

Jack Lewitz

smartphone(708) 309-5334
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