Jack Lewitz's (evanstonilrealtor) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Exit Strategy Realty
Chicago is often referred to as the City of Neighborhoods and one of those neighborhoods is Lincoln Park whose boundaries are North Ave (S), Diversey Ave (N), Lake Michigan (E) and Clybourn Ave (W).Today Lincoln Park is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the City and home to one of the la...
  I came across a list of 33 moments in life that were considered the most important life events for most people which I am sharing with you here: Opening your first paycheck Be witness to a turning point in history Driving alone for the first time Reading a great book Graduating from School Havi...
          Ron Grossman, Chicago Tribune reporter did a article today about Captain and Ma Streeter that I found fasinating.The story begins in 1886 when Captain Streeters excursion boat "The Reutan" lands 400 feet off shore in a sandbar.  He piled the sand around his boat and continued to dump ga...
 When you need to find someone to help you sell  or buy a home what are the qualities that are most important to you? You want some who has experience with both selling and buying You want someone who has knowledge about the real estate market You want someone who will give you the best exposure ...
 When your young a two story house is appealing because it gives you space.      As we age the two story house presents some real challenges for those who who have some mobility issues and  need a walker.        If you are having problems going up and down stairs you can install a lift.Or move an...
When it comes to retiring not all states are the same.When you retire the last thing you want to do is pay  taxes on social security income, interest income, sales tax, real estate, or  inheritance tax.By far Florida is the best state to retire and pay less taxes. Florida has no state income tax,...
I guess you have to be Hugh Hefner to retire in style.... Playboy Mansion is for sale for $200 million and has one contingency ... Hugh gets to live there until he dies....Party time !... And make sure you have enough pajamas.
Each Year you go over your finances and put a little away for retirement.Yet the big question will be is the money I saved enough?We all seem to put off thinking about retirement but before it gets too late here are some helpful steps to  get you back on track.Plan to live long:  Statistics show ...
CBS News lists of "TOP 100 MOST AFFORDABLE CITIES TO LIVE" 1. Pittsburgh:  8.5 % Cost of Living Index and median home price of $119,600 2. Indianapolis:  12.8 % Cost of Living Index and median home price of $134,700 3. Omaha: 11.7 % Cost of Living Index and  median home price of $131,400 4. Decat...
The US News and World Report lists these "TOP 10 BEST PLACES TO RETIRE" 1. Laguna Woods California:  2100 Acre Gated Community where 3/4 of the poplulation is over 65. 2. King Point, Florida: Surrounded by Golf Courses, 69% are over 65. 3. Sun City, Arizona: 55+ Active Community located near Phoe...

Jack Lewitz

smartphone(708) 309-5334
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