This is a topic I'd like to get to the bottom of... .co domains. For those of you who don't know - .co domains are now available. .Co is the domain assigned to the Republic of Columbia. As of July 20th, 2010, any company, organization, or entrepreneur can use a .CO domain for their online brandin
Jeff Corbet has done a fantastic job of breaking down the Listing Router Mystery for all of you who were unaware of what it does! Read it - it's got great info! The reblogging has been disabled for AR for a while - so here's the link!
Just wanted to share a cool feature with you guys - a lot of you Top Producer clients may already know about this.. but it's called the Market Snapshop.. basically - you place a widget on your website (click here for those of you who don't know what a widget it), website visitors are able to sign
I sat behind this at a light today - I thought it was kinda cute so I took a pic! Not something you see every day... I'm used to the classic 'wash me' grafitti... Anyone know the answer?? Emily Read - Real Estate Extraordinaire - Helping Realtors sell Real Estate - Simple as that. www.RealEsta
Epic: (the web's definition) very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale); "an epic voyage"; "of heroic proportions"; "heroic sculpture" So I'm sitting here - sort of lost in thought thinking about how amazing Active Rain is. And it hit me - not only is Activ
Happy Valentines Day everyone! Just a short sweet video to remind everyone how special it is when you're lucky enough to find 'the one'... or 'one of the ones' :) This video should warm your heart - and maybe make you shed a tear - but they'll be 'omg how SWEET' tears! Enjoy!! Danny & Annie from
I posted this late last night - but I thought I'd repost the link as sometimes posting late at night results in a lot of people missing your post. So to summarize - GREAT IPhone app that allows you to add a customized signature on your emails!! Click here to read my blog post Happy Monday every
So I just thought I'd share my Signature IPhone App that I've been using for the last few weeks - for those of you with IPhone - you know that the signature is quite limiting - basically no links or images. This was no good - so I set forth to find a solution. I found an app on Itunes called Em
Hey ActiveRain - it's me, Emily.. So listen - we've been seeing each other for a while now - and I'm sensing we're getting a little serious - I mean, we're seeing each other every day - sometimes for hours! I love waking up to your morning emails...( You never forget - you're so awesome!!) You'
What a perfect start to my weekend - today I joined my buddy Ross Woo - a Realtor with Macdonald Realty here in Vancouver, BC down at the Vancouver Food Bank. He set up a group on facebook a few months ago - asking for volunteers - I bit. :) This morning I woke up - grabbed my coffee and headed d