I called a mortgage loan officer yesterday to try to assist in a referral situation because the MLO was not returning the agent's calls. The agent allegedly tried to call the MLO all morning and no response, no return voice mail calls. I called at 1:15 PM and the MLO immediately picked up the cal
While one really cannot assign value to a property through its square-foot value alone, the price per square foot in the Sacramento Housing Market is valuable information. It shows trends and market movement in a very clear manner. Our square foot price for January 2017, btw, is higher than the l
Are you still using a fax machine for real estate? Easy for me to mock, but what the hey. I cannot believe it took me so long to think of this. Probably because when things work like they are supposed to work, you don't go around looking for ways to change them. Especially if you're like me, a bu
Part of the problem for Sacramento Realtors who answer questions online at various websites is buyers who are in contract will call directly out of the blue. Real estate agents call as well with questions, but mostly it's consumers. While some agents welcome the phone calls, others feel it is in
Do you ever wonder why you feel so awful when a celebrity dies, a person you don't know, never met? How could you hurt so badly when you had zero contact with that human being? I used to ponder that when I'd see people crying when rock stars died, and I'd think to myself, well, there was that rea
Lots of lenders in Sacramento are scrambling right now to piece back together FHA loans after Trump removed the new law giving borrowers a break on the mortgage insurance premium put into place by Obama. The lame excuse used was to protect the insurance fund but unless Trump is planning to crash
When Elk Grove home sellers get burned once, they are often very cautious before trusting other Elk Grove Realtors again. That's not to say their previous agent did anything horribly wrong because the thing about being an agent, we all learn soon enough in this business, is the agent is responsib
There are very few agents who have worked in real estate, much less in Sacramento, for as long as Elizabeth Weintraub. I don't know of any. The reason is most people start out in some other career. They don't go into real estate as a child bride, illegally traded in the sex slave industry. Or th
Rules change so much that many agents find it difficult to stay on top of changes. Even our RPA is updated every few years. Things that were true decades ago are not true now. And generally the agents I deal with at larger brokerages are pretty much on the ball with the changes because their brok
I've been so busy with Sacramento real estate lately that when my husband mentioned the Sacramento Women's March on Friday, it had been in the back of my mind but I hadn't thought of it much during the week. His bringing it up, just as a usual event suggestion like I suppose we should go, kind of