This week’s podcast is hosted by Guinevere Moore. Listen in as Gwen interviews immigration attorney Vivian Kalaf and civil rights attorney Lana Nassar regarding taxation issues that arise in immigration cases, as well as how they teamed up to fight for all United States Citizens to be able to rec...
Back to join Eric is Steven Toscher and Michel Stein (Episode 32) to update us on IRS enforcement around virtual currency, what its goals are and what taxpayers can expect. Listen in as our experts update you on what has quickly become an IRS and Department of Justice enforcement priority.Catch t...
In 2011, a sensational new black market website known as the “Silk Road” emerged on the dark net. This “Amazon of Illegal Drugs” was the brainchild of a mysterious, libertarian intellectual operating under the avatar “The Dread Pirate Roberts.” Promising its users complete anonymity, and total fr...