In this week's Tax Rep Network's podcast I discuss how to get rid of a federal tax lien.Check out the Podcast Here:When it comes to federal tax liens, the IRS takes a very hard line. The IRS will not remove a tax lien just because it is causing issues for the taxpayer, including credit score or ...
In this week's Tax Rep Network's podcast I discuss why the IRS examiner is going to obtain the electronic back-up of the Quickbooks file and what practitioners can do about it.Check out the Podcast Here:IRS examiners will insist on obtaining the electronic back-up so they can review the Quickbook...
GIven that the focus of my practice is civil and criminal tax repressentation, tax liens are something we deal with frequently. The refrain "I would love to sell my house but there is a tax lien" is one we hear so much it makes me nuts.The reality is this: you can absolutely sell the house. The...
In this week's Tax Rep Podcast i deal with an issue that seesm to be coming up more and more: dealing with the auditor that either doesnt want to do his or her job, or worse, has decided to take out their frustrations on you and your client. in "What to do when the auditor is batshit crazy" I di...